Aerial Warfare

Day 1,100, 10:51 Published in Greece Greece by Yiannis and Vasilis balambani
Obviously erepublik is based on real life modern warfare with it's own unique animated twist.

Bored of land fighting? Think erepublik needs a twist? Keep Reading!

However, it lacks some of the most important concepts of modern warfare which when assaulting certain regions would be thought of being real life of course.

What I am talking about is Aerial and to an extenet Naval combat. Some of you will say "oh we have helicopters" so they supposedly count as an "air force"... They fight the same battles as land forces in this game. I am talking about a new method of fighting all together.

I will explain below:

Aerial Warfare

We have all heard of the F-16 falcons, Greece in real life has lots, but ever heard of the new F -35 fighters? Only the USA has them

In real life, before any assault is made the common strategy is to bomb and weaken the area of attack, as well as bombard the enemy country to make them less capable of producing a counter strike. Of course, countries in defence will either initiate dog fights with enemy air crafts using their own fighter jets, or will repel the aerial attack with SAM ( surface-to-air missile) based defence systems or with some form of anti-air craft Artillery.

SA-2 SAM defense system. Possibly Q5 anti - air defense on erepublik?

In erepublik I thought it would be useful adding aerial combat in the game. It will allow countries to perhaps run bombing campaigns doing the following things (A bombing run should be intiated froma certain region with an air base):

1)Disabling a certain countries ability to attack from a certain region e.g Country A bombs the region "capital" of country B, country B can not utilize the borders of the region "capital" in order to counter attack for three hours.

2)citizens of the bombed region will not have access for three hours to the countries market place or their own job

3) Bombed region which have infrastructure such as hospitals and defence systems will receive damage (uses) on that infrastructure

4) All damage or temporary in-abilities caused by bombing will vary from the quality of the bombing planes which will be made out of Iron and Titanium (or its replacement if it's suitable). Bombing runs will be automatic and will be under the control of the President.

5)Each region may have an air field (built from stone/whatever replaces it) as well as air defences (Iron/Titanium) which could be damaged/destroyed in a bombing run .

6) A bombing run will last for 30 minutes and also has a period of time in which it takes the planes to arrive ( depending on distance). It should cost a quarter of what it costs to attack the region.

Bombing runs can only be made either on neighbouring territories or territories that have no aerial defences on their neighbouring regions.

If a region is under attack and has anti - air defences, same of the sent bombers will risk being destroyed with risks varying on the quality of the air defences. They will also be less likely to make damage as they attempt to evade aerial losses.

A Dog Fight

If a region with an air field is attacked, and that region has pilots (citizens with planes) then a "dog fight" is initiated which is similar to a normal regional battle that we do everyday in the game, except the objective is to secure the skies for 6 hours with three 2 hour rounds. If the enemy is victorious, then they are free to continue with their bombing campaign. If the enemy loses, then the bombing run is a total fail.

B - 2 stealth bomber doing bomb run

If the region with an air field that is supposedly attacked also has air defences, then the wall for the defenders is higher...

I think that aerial combat will make erepublik warfare much more strategically based for the leaders of countries but at the same time keep things simple for the everyday citizens.

It will increase Gold spending
It will make the game more appealing (in my opinion)
It would be Epic

Thats my opinion and I think the game would be better with this... Here it is on the suggestion page...

Sign it if you want it!

Balamabani Broz