ADP - New PP/Food drop/Pictures of Lion's little pecker

Day 2,828, 02:23 Published in Australia Australia by Guagature

Welcome ADP, to a new month.

Firstly I would like to thank Mero for holding the fort the last month and I hope that again in the future you are eager to take over the reigns again.

Second of all I would like to thank the ADP members for their support by giving me 76% of the votes in this current PP election. Voting numbers are down compared to our total member base but every time you make the effort to vote for our community, it is appreciated.

A small background on the ADP:

Dr Hugh Jardon (original) seeing a lack of political activity at the time and a dying party filled with multi account’s, decided a new approach was needed to build the community. Around day 2300 he began a mission to aggressively take over this small party that sat just outside the Top 5.
During this early period he taunted with the idea of calling it the 'Australian Independent Democratic Society' for a lulz but as he wanted a opportunity to run for CP chose the more sedate 'Australian Democratic Party' to which it is called today.
With Dr Hugh’s early efforts of personal pm’s to members, weekly supply drops and open door policy the party was quickly taken into the Top 5 parties and within little time took the 1st ranked position which we currently hold to date.
Hugh always ensured that new players were given the most suitable game information so they can build within the community and always made sure that the youngsters had the opportunity to progress into positions that they would learn from and teach others.

From these teachings this is where members such as JT, Mongoosier, Rusty D were able to promote themselves into government positions or become the next Party President and help the newer members of the community.
2 of these people have also gone on to become the CP of the country along with Dr Hugh and Claire Louise.

As this is a new term and the roles of Vice President, Spokesman, Secretary General and Councillor are up for grabs. If you want to make a name for yourself in the community and be part of this absolutely smashing party in eAustralia, send me an in-game pm telling me what you can offer the ADP and what role you want to take on.

*Whipping boy is already taken by Lion El’Jonson


The ADP weekly food drops will be held every week on every Wednesday, all you have to do is comment and be a member of the ADP (or your name is Lany) and you shall receive.......wait for it..........

200 Q5 Food free!!!!!

Disclaimer* Weekly food drops may be on any day that ends in Y as I currently forget what day it is.

As I will forget tomorrow we will start the food drop today so get cracking and comment/vote/shout the article, be a member of the ADP and you will get partly eaten Q5 food