ADP - Guag4PP

Day 2,821, 03:02 Published in Australia Australia by Guagature

With Party PP elections coming up, I would like to take this opportunity to let all ADP members that I intend to run again for PP.


Last month I gave Mero a free run to the Party President seat, this month I intend to give Mero a run for his money.

Most of you know me from being at the helm of the ADP for a few terms. Some of these are to fill a gap in the seat while others have been to retain leadership, giving members the chance to remain as a democratic party by choosing the new CP and to keep the ADP weekly food drop to a weekly standard.

What can you expect

ADP’s members weekly food drop (and Lany’s food drop 😃 )
The opportunity the democratically vote for who you want to back as a party, the next CP (unless it is JT running again 😛 )
The chance to run for ADP positions such as Vice President, Guag’s whipping boy etc
A senate priority list based upon the loudest voice leads

* Disclaimer; Weekly food drop falls up to 3 days after the real Wednesday weekly food drop unless someone reminds me as I forget what day of the week it is.

Finally, I would like to thank Mero for his time in the seat and take this opportunity to thank the ADP for making me PP next month

Remember a VOTE/SHOUT/COMMENT of Government articles keeps all the community updated.