Admins vs. The "Goons"

Day 272, 17:39 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch
At what point will it be okay for the admins to interfere?

These "goons" aren't just ruining the game for your players, they are wasting your bandwidth and costing you guys more money. Aren't all accounts ,including their resources, units, etc. virtual objects of Erepublik? There is enough evidence to potentially ban every single one of these "goon" accounts. You find one "goon" and you can link them together with their "friend invite" list, can't you?

Personally, if I made a site and people were registering for it for the sole purpose of laughing at all my hard work and ruining it for all of my responsible and possible paying players, I'd get pissed.

So what if there aren't admins in real life? People can't magically appear and take control of multiple countries either. Maybe mega-terrorists, but that's it.

As a side note, has the Mexican president made any comments on about what is going on? That's something I think we'd all like to hear.