Admins save us!

Day 852, 14:37 Published in Singapore Japan by Johnnie Danger

Is anyone out there worried that the hordes of dead eCitizens will rise up from their graves and try to eat our eBrains? I bet in dead multi-accounters alone there are more numbers than living eCitizens in the eWorld! Not including all those who joined and quit because they couldn't do much their first week and quickly became bored. We'll all be devoured!

i for one am stockpiling q1 food and q1 weapons just incase such an onslaught ever occurs. my Q5 house is decked out with a Zombie Proof bomb shelter and i suggest other eCitizens begin preparing for such an event.

Hopefully an eComet or our eScientist don't accidentally cause this event to transpire, but i will be ePrepared!