Admins of eCanada IRC/forums: Do the Right Thing. Protect our Community

Day 1,148, 20:21 Published in Canada Canada by saltydog
Kronos Q and JFstpierre: Stop being afraid to protect the community.

Last night I banned Rolo Tahmasee and Wes Lewis from our eCanadian community, on the #ecan IRC channel. I banned them for their roles in defrauding eCanadians and stealing thousands upon thousands of our gold. Just like 1ronman got banned without a trial, so too did Wes Lewis and Rolo Tahmasee. And just like 1ronman, Wes Lewis tried to claim his account was misused by others. I banned them in order to remove 2 of the greatest sources of lies, fakery, snakery, and destructive behaviour in the eCanadian community.

A fitting description of the current state of our community forums and IRC channel

Today, jfstpierre, CAF member and an IRC administrator with higher access than I, removed their bans. JFstpierre let 2 criminals back into our community. An administrator, and someone who has proclaimed himself to be a defender of eCanada's legal system, allowed 2 of the worst thieves in our history to return to our community.

Kronos Q, CAF high command and the person with the highest level of administrator access on our community IRC channel, refuses to ban them. He gladly banned 1ronman from our community, and without any trial. Yet he refuses to ban 2 of the most poisonous individuals with eCanadian citizenship from our community. He refuses to throw out 2 snakes from our midst.

Can you guys take a joke?

Since I do not have an eCanadian forum account, and I have had myself banned from IRC by Danster and Francois in protest, I cannot appeal directly to the powers that be. The only power I have is to appeal directly to you, the members of the eCanadian community at large.

I appeal to the eCanadian community to do what it takes to rid ourselves of those who lie to us, use us, and steal from us.

I appeal to the members of IRC and forums to agitate until those who control our community act in a manner which protects the community from those who take advantage of it.

I appeal to the administrators of IRC and forums - Kronos Q, JFstpierre, Coda - to do the right thing: throw Rolo Tahmasee and Wes Lewis out of our community. You have the power to do so, and you have their wrongdoing upon which to justify it.

When those with power refuse to apply it in situations which so obviously call for it, the effect is a natural erosion of the respect for that power. Moreover, in our case, the longer we let these 2 snakes retain their membership in our community, the more distrust there will be between citizens, and between the citizenry and government.

Here's something to think about: why have we banned PimpDollaz for more than a year from our community, for keeping 500CAD in government funds wrongly sent to him, while we let Wes Lewis and Rolo Tahmasee get away with thousands of our gold?

Do the right thing admins. Stand up and help rid our community of the snakes that are destroying us from within.
Help us heal the wounds by removing the tumor.

If you still don't believe Wes Lewis wasn't working with Rolo Tahmasee...

Wes Lewis has been trying to act as though Rolo used him. He commented on this article saying "voted hard we can't have Rolo back on IRC", and wrote about how he couldn't believe what Rolo had done to him.

Funny. Wes Lewis voted "NO" to the question of "Should Rolo Tahmasee be banned?".

Looks like Wes got caught in another b*llshit lie.

The admins have heeded the will of the people and finally banned Rolo Tahmasee and Wes Lewis from our community.

When we come together, our collective voice is heard much louder!! Thank you for everyone who took the time to voice their opinion.