Admins are destroying the game!!!

Day 1,042, 09:09 Published in Serbia USA by bernard75
Have you realized that all the damage we have done in v2 is WORTHLESS?
It is now possible to do more damage in a SINGLE BATTLE for far less money!
Here you can see the TOP10 damage in v2:

Yes, that's right! In all battles, which are hundreds! And which cost hundreds
or even thousands of gold in health kits and weapons.

And here you see the current AVERAGE DAMAGE IN JUST 2 x 2 HOURS:

This really makes me sick as i have spent a good part of my fortune on the
damage in v2.
The following comic is made because of the admin's blatant disregard of

We all know it, you turn your computer on and Erep is down.
As always nothing concrete has been announced and you hope for the best...

Of course Admins are fixing something

As they are new to game design, economics and warfare they just try
random things

And of course things dont go the way they expected

The results are overwhelming

And they are slowly but surely destroying the game

In the end there is only one solution