Admins abusing their power?

Day 709, 07:15 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Thomas Thade

Truthfully, I'm indifferent to them taking down the mirror article, It wasn't my own work, but they have no right to take down an article that deals with a legitimate issue. If they were offended by anything in the article they shoulc have asked for me to edit it rather than removing it without warning. That being said, there was absolutely nothing in that article that was offending save for one comment saying that admins were telling us to "suck it".

I understand that if you want money your going to get your money, but that's no reason to stifle dissent. You should be happy that people are active enough in your game to care.

Everyone express your thoughts below. Do you think the Admins have a right to take down material that dissents from their own opinion? I know that's a one sided question but I can't really word it any other way, because that is exactly what they did.

Also if this gets taken down we will all know the truth. 🙂.

Check ya later, its time for class