Admin Answer Some Questions

Day 1,281, 02:20 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek
At some point we will get the Norwegian PR newspaper back... but until then I will post this here:

" Dear citizens,

We decided to reopen this forum thread because some misunderstandings appeared regarding our latest batch of improvements and priorities and because we also want to answer to the raised concerns. We will take this one by one:

1. Some improvements in the game could not be detailed with a wall-of-text private message. Thus, along with the latest batch of updates, we implemented various ways communication: the explanatory pop-ups that guide you throw every step of the module so that no one could miss it or the promotion banner in order for you to be fully aware when the storage limitation kicks in.

2. Regarding the economy changes, there are still new improvements to be done in the following period of time. Some areas may seem at the moment a little unbalanced, but the upcoming updates will solve this issues and the game will be good and fun for everyone.

3. Company upgrade offer: this was a promotion to help you upgrade your companies faster and absolutely everyone can take advantage of these promotions. A promotion is never unfair, let’s be serious. The companies that were already upgraded brought by that time, in game benefits. In some cases, those benefits surpassed the ones of the promotion, several times. Also, this type of offer was very well received by the entire community and their immediate reaction was to ask for more offers of this kind.

4. Companies can only be dissolved. This is available only for raw material companies, you can still sell the factories. What lead us to this decision? Pure statistic: on the companies for sale page, only 2,7% of the total raw material companies were sold monthly compared with 41,5% for factories, thus the removal of this feature didn’t affect the current game play.

5. Regarding the military units, we indeed postponed this project because we concentrated our resources in the economic module. As we've answered in all the tickets, many upgrades are yet to come very soon and we've taken into account your main needs so we can implement them first. Again, thank you for your patience, this project will be done very soon.

6. The party Gold project is almost ready and all the money will be soon moved into the countries treasuries. Also, no donations will be possible anymore into the party accounts and the 2 gold fee for party presidency candidates will be removed.

7. Regarding the storage promotion, all the early adopters received the resolution of their concerns before this open letter was written.

8. Being the first or second or third or better today does not guarantee that you stay in front tomorrow. We reward activity, passion, competition and we offer fair chances to everybody of becoming better citizens. The strength system is in place, it is here to stay. Fairness should be fairness to everybody and not fairness only for one individual.

9. The current media module experience can be improved, for sure. On one hand we would like to continue to improve it now, but on the other hand, past experience taught us that rushing projects may lead to unwanted results. Thus, we would prefer to take our time and implement a better experience in our next phase.

To sum up, the New World is evolving. Evolution takes time. Balancing in the middle of evolution can lead only to anomalies. Unfortunately. And we know very well that is not comfortable to experience changes again and again and we’re trying, every-time, to make every improvement as smooth as possible. For sure, sometimes it’s not that easy. But in the end, we’re sure that the majority will be content. And we’re checking if this is true, constantly, through the surveys.

And by the way, you have asked us many times to share some survey results with you. Well, here are the most important.

The majority of you (77😵 asked us to increase the food consumption limit. The result? Very soon we will put live a project that will allow you to increase your current limit. The majority of the citizens like to fight and to administrate companies (75😵 while 60% from the citizens are fighting at least daily. We were happy to discover that in the last year the percentage of you that likes the military module increased from 38% to 78% and we heard that 63% asked us to balance the economy. We will do that, be sure!

That’s it for now.
Thanks a lot for your passion!

Best regards,
Your eRepublik team "