Admin's masterplan revealed

Day 1,106, 12:08 Published in Belarus USA by bernard75

Today Admins have surprised us with new resources, as always without prior announcement.
Another futile attempt of turning EREP into Sims. Just like they tried with v2.
But don't worry Admin wants only your best:

And this is only the beginning! Here you can see their true masterplan for resources:

But hey, at least we can eat healthier:

And even though we can only use one kind of weapon the new resources will allow a whole array of new weapons:

But it doesn't end there! Since Admin has given us a lot of useful things he will take away some.
First one to go is houses:

Just like hospitals:

And to top it all off Admin will remove moving tickets:

You will be too busy figuring out your companies anyway, so there will be no need to fly or fight somewhere else anyway!