ADF Reforms...Finally!

Day 2,128, 11:15 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Force

Recently there has been a lot of confusion regarding the ADF. Well be confused no more!

I was sad to learn a few days ago that Molly Jo had resigned as ADF Marshal. It's very sad to see her go as she was a great Commander as well as one of the nicest people knocking about in eAus. I'm sure I speak for the whole of the ADF when I say thank you for all you have done Molly.

Now, when Molly resigned she put forward both mine (Claire Louise) and Dr Hugh Jardon's names forward to run the ADF. I contacted Flatty and spoke with both him and the DoD, and they both agreed to allow me to become Commander of the ADF. So here I am!

Quite a few changes are taking place within the ADF. Firstly, let's address the staff. There are now only three members of staff, covering both in game and the forums (more about the forums later). Those members of staff are of course myself (Claire Louise) as Commander/Marshal with Dr Hugh Jardon and Noodles84 as Second Commanders. There are no other staff within the ADF any more.

✰ Supplies: Supplies are available to those who are in Divisions 1 and 2 [ under level 30 ] who complete their Daily Orders [25 kills or more]. Supplies will be sent the following day (so for instance, you will get your supplies for completing todays Daily Orders tomorrow). Those who had completed their DO's yesterday have today been supplied! I wish to point out that as of yet we have not received the budget for the month (hence why Molly has struggled to supply you guys) so today's supplies have come out of our 2nd Commander, Dr Hugh Jardon's pocket. Our way of proving to you guys we really do want to help you! If we still do not have the budget tomorrow, I will be paying for and providing the supplies. I also want to point out that NO staff will be receiving supplies, with the exception of Noodles84 who is eligable for supplies anyway - these supplies need to go to the new players who need it most, not those of us who are very much established within the game.

Roll Calls: Until further notice, roll calls will no longer take place on the forums. Until I can fully rectify my issue with the forums and it's moderators, roll calls will now take place each weekend in the form of an article. An article will be released Friday afternoons and will run through until it leaves the media (48hrs from publishing). All you will need to do is comment asking for supplies! Supplies this time around, though, will not be in the form of weapons (hey, they're expensive!), but extra food. Everyone needs food. This competition has drained us all, and we thought it would be better to offer you guys food as extra supplies rather than more weapons, which you will get each day if you complete your DO's! The first roll call will happen on September 27th - so next Friday!

✰ Supplies
: Okay, supplies will be 8 Q7's a day. We sat down and did a bit of maths last night, and we think we will be able to sustain people with 8 Q7's a day. Depending on activity, this could change (either increase, or decrease) but for now, we're going with 8. Food for the roll calls will be 500 Q4. Mmmm. Food.

✰ Forums
: As stated above, until I can rectify the issue, the ADF forums will not be used by the ADF staff, meaning that at this current moment in time, the ADF does not operate on the forums at all. I’d like to reintroduce the forum side to it, it’s great for activity, but there are too many issues surrounding it and it’s going to be a long, drawn out process before anything regarding the forums is concrete.

✰ Activity: The Commander and 2nd Commanders can only do so much. We want you guys to speak up! We want you to join in on banter, post on the shoutbox (even if it’s spam or really terrible jokes)...get involved guys!!!
We’re also planning on giving each regiment their own identity, our way of spicing things up and adding a little extra competition and hopefully boosting activity and banter. A few days a week, the regiment with the most kills will receive two extra Q7 weapons each. So if you just happen to be in the regiment that gets the most kills the previous day, you will earn yourself 10 Q7’s rather than 8! More details about this will be released in the next few days, once we’ve ironed out the little niggly bits!

So, what do you need to do if you are under Level 30 and want to be supplied? Join the ADF Military Unit...That’s it! You are not required to sign up to or take part on the forums and you are not required to work in any kind of commune. You simply complete your Daily Orders and get supplied!

Of course, you can always join us for the ride even if you aren’t under level 30 - it just means you won’t be supplied. Nothing stopping you from joining in though!

If you have any questions, feel free to PM myself or either of my 2nd Commanders. We’re here to help afterall!

Supplies have already begun today, so get fighting for your supplies tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!

Claire Louise
ADF Marshal