Addy Lawrence for Congress on December 25th

Day 758, 19:26 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence

Here is a pic from my press conference announcing my intention to run for congress.

My name is Addy Lawrence and I am a prankster...

...I mean I will be running for Congress on December 25th. As one of the incumbent congressmen of Saskatchewan, I intend to run there again under the CPF banner. I may be running in another province in support of the best interests of the CPF.

This past term was my first in congress. I put forth two bills to reduce minimum wage, one to $1.00 and another to $1.25, and they were defeated by close margins. Although I still believe that lowering the minimum wage would make eCanada's labour costs more competitive on the world market and create jobs, I got the message and I will not be attempting this again.

I've been focusing my energy in congress on the tax debates.

I've learned a lot in congress, witnessing the budget process and obtaining a better understanding of how taxes work. I've also learned that 30 days is not a lot of time to accomplish things.

If I am elected to congress I intend to focus on two things:
1) Standardizing the budget reporting process with a comparsion to the previous month
2) Using the standardized report to adjust income taxes on wages

The first one is an initiative suggested by only atoms and I think he is right on the mark. The second is my idea, evolved from debates in Open Door Congress.

My most notable accomplishments since my last congressional campaign include:
1-Appointed Deputy Minister of Information
2-Appointed Director of CPF Inc.
3-Built a 14 soldier army in the CPF with 4 missions to date

My most notorious accomplishment this past month, and likely in my ecitizen lifetime, is the red/green prank where I hi-jacked both the eCBC and CPF Inc and had eCanadian soldiers shooting at each other and military command in fits in the New Jersey RW. Yes, it was for teh lulz, and although everything went according to hoyle and I returned all assets to their owners whole, I did cause a coronary for a few people.

On the plus side, I got to know Greg, Jacobi, and Tyler a hell of a lot better...

...and I'm sorry for putting teh lulz ahead of eCanada.

Please forgive me by voting for me on December 25th in Saskatchewan!!!

Previous Accomplishments

1-Appointed Commander in Chief, Bruck's Canucks (presently Crimson Canucks)
2-One of the founding members of Canada's Economic Advisory Council
3-Appointed Minister of Finance (Canada)
4-Appointed Director of Finance, Canadian Progressive Front
5-Founder and Fund Manager of the CPM Opportunity Fund.


I am a proponent of:
1-reducing income tax rates to induce immigration into eCanada.
2-"flat" income tax rates across all income types.
3-protectionist import taxes (99😵 on grain, wood, oil and diamonds.
4-free trade (import taxes of nil) on iron, food, weapons, tickets, and gifts.
5-Q5 hospitals, not Q4, not Q3, not Q2, not Q1.
6-Q5 Defence Systems
7-the fortress approach to national defence
8-private Armies like Crimson Canucks and The Praetors
9-government grants to proven business operators of up to 50% of the cost to buy export licenses and quality upgrades.

I am against:
1-using tax dollars in a wasteful manner in EI programs.
________________________________________ ___

Resume in Pictures

I have battled to the rank of Colonel, most of it of the bare-knuckle variety. Here is a pic from an eHun’s perspective:


My primary interest in eRepublik lies with business. I am the publisher of the Create, Plan, Manage newspaper which is focused on economic periodicals (Money-Market, Labour Report, Commodity and Product Report, and This Week in the eCanadian Economy) along with the occasional rant/editorial. As mentioned previously, I have started the CPM Opportunity Fund and have been leveraging the investment power of a group of portfolios to earn larger returns. Here is a pic of me pontificating the money-market:


I am presently Commander in Chief of the CPF Army, The Praetors. Here is a pic of me and the posse standing against the rain of criticism over the formation of another private army in eCanada, the rain will pass and we will remain:



Supporters are coming out already:

Look for Addy on the campaign trail over the next 10 days:

In the meantime, someone wants me to be their daddy, gotta go:

Vote for Addy on December 25th!!!

Who's your daddy? Addy's your daddy!!!