Additional Plans and Competition Update

Day 659, 18:36 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Hello again, lads!

So I know it’s only been a couple of days since my first article (which thanks to the competition - see below if you don’t know what I’m talking about - has had a fantastic response) but I’m back again, just to update you all a bit on what’s happening this end.

So my original plan was to get started on the wiki last night and today but eRep hadn’t approved me yet, which meant I couldn‘t even be sure I‘d be able to edit it. However! I just received said approval and though I haven’t signed it in I’m sure all’s grand there. In the meantime I found something else to work on, something some of you may already have noticed.

Making Friends

I realised last night that very few eIrish had made a friend of this organisation and it occurred to me that it was kind of a shame that was the case, given the org is all about the community. I was going to put a request in this article for people to add the org as a friend but then it occurred to me - I could save them the bother. I have started to request the friendship of every eIrish citizen in batches of about twenty at a time and have started at our top ranking citz (as the lower ranking citz will be ever-changing, given new people join all the time) plus a few others as I worked through the competition entries. It’s my intention that by the end of next week I’ll have sent requests to everyone.

You can, of course, reject this request (or remove the org as a friend at any time) but I think it’s useful to have this set up as it means, firstly, that the Minister of Community (whether me or my successor) can see who’s shouting what throughout the country. This gives the MoCommunity a good sense of what the country’s concerns are and what’s happening etc., rather than just whoever’s in their own friends group. It also means that the shouts posted by this org will be seen, or at least have the potential to be seen, by all of eIreland, meaning more of the country can be included in things like competitions or important announcements.

So yes, lads, you can add this to my To Do list for my term.

Project in the Pipeline

The second thing I want to do is launch a bit of a fundraising campaign, though not for this org. I’ve been talking to representatives from the finance department about it and it turned out they were thinking of something very similar. The details will have to be finalised so that it works as seamlessly as possible but essentially it would create a cash pot outside of regular government money that would be spent on whatever the community wanted it to be spent on.

Details TBC pending discussions.

Competition Entrants

And finally, just to make sure no-one has been missed, here is a list of the entrants so far to win the week’s worth of Q5 brea😛

Lugh Lamhfada
Donovan Thomas
Eliza Darin
Niall H
JohnSmith 2k9
Pip Kelly
Bob McBob
Rollo Tommasi
Sean Power
Glenn Wauters
Englebirt Humpydink
John Gormley
Edana Savage
Octavius Dryst

If you feel your name is missing please make me aware of it by PM or in the comments.

In order to qualify you must have pasted this link:

Into a shout for all your friends to see (and have made me aware of the fact that you did).

If you haven’t entered but would like to it’s not too late, I will be taking entries up until 00.01 eRep time (8.01am GMT) on Friday 11th September. The winner will be announced around 11am (7pm) GMT the same day.

Promising not all articles will be this long from here on out,

Minister for Community, TD for the South East, and proud donut.