Day 1,544, 11:49 Published in Poland Serbia by Osmi putnik


Zeleo bih svim gradjanima i adminima da predlozim da se Kuba doda na listu zemalja u ovoj igri. To je veoma naseljena drzava u karibima sa bogatom kulturom.
Za mene i mozda nekoliko drugih, kad pomislimo na Kubu, mislimo na Fidela Kastra koji je vladao zemljom skoro 40 godina,i koji je od Kube napravio ono sto je danas. Mislimo na najveceg revolucionara sveta Ce Gevaru.

Sudeci po ovom
Kuba ima 1,702,206 aktivnih korisnika interneta racunajuci od pocetka 2012 godine, sto je definitivno dovoljno za dodavanje jos jedne zemlje u eRepubliku. I ako kubanski zavnicnici prate sve svoje korisnike interneta, i dalje mislim da nam treba jedna drzava na karibima i jos jedna drzava u eRepubliku!

English version

I'd like to propose to citizens and admins of the world to add Cuba to the list of nations in this game. It is a highly populated area in the Caribbean and its language and culture would be great to add to the game of which already has many different languages and cultures.

For me and maybe a few others, when I think on Cuba, I think on Fidel Castro. Who had been Cuba's leader for over 40 years and he made what Cuba is now, I think on the world's largest revolutionary Che Guevara.

According to this website here. Cuba has 1,702,206 internet users as beginning of 2012. Which is definitely enough to start a country here in eRepublik. Although Cuban officials are closely watching all Cuban internet users. I still think this country should be added as we need one country in the Caribbean and the more countries in this game! For more info. come to #eCuba

Add Cuba for real Cuba citizens