ad infinitum

Day 758, 07:11 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

"When one door closes, another opens"

Dear god, such an overused term. Yet its truly the only one that describes my situation right now.

So yea, I lost. Osmany Ramon was elected Party President of the Socialist Freedom Party, after two terms of my incumbency. Was I really surprised by this? No, not at all.

Ramon has gotta be the best Party President that ever graced the SFP. The accomplishments he achieved make mine look like baby steps. I'm extremely happy that he decided to take back the reins of the party.

My situation was....strange.
I wanted to win, but I didn't want to be the PP.
Over my term, I realized that the Party President role is nothing. An individual can make the life of a party without having that role. Also, the true life of the party will come not from the Party President, but by the members of the party. It doesn't matter if a President is active or inactive, as long as the people of that party are dedicated, the party will prosper. You can have one active PP and an inactive party, and truly have nothing.

What the SFP has is special. We have an incredible PP. We have an incredible administration. All those who truly gave life to the party. Phoenix Quinn, Rainy Sunday, Zhao Ji, Mark Valshannar, ComandanteDavid, Pope Cali. Our newbies like Tommyss41, Shawn Haner. Hell even people who aren't even in our party like Spade, smily132, DrTango, Rheinlander, johnobrow, maksim. And of course, Osmany Ramon.

These were the people who made this party. These people are the SFP. And I will always be part of the SFP. Any position that is offered, which some has, I will do to the best of my ability. I am not bitter about this. In fact, I'm overjoyed.

Also, I'd like to announce my candidacy in the next congressional election, which is pertaining to the opening cliche.

I will be part of the SFP. I will always be part of the SFP. Ad infinitium.