Accidental Congressmen

Day 164, 08:58 Published in United Kingdom Lithuania by benskius

"I'd rather keep my promises to other politicians than to God. God, at least, has a degree of forgiveness."
-- Anonymous

I found my self in a very interesting situation today. Yesterday I was simple eRepublikian, and today I became a Congressmen. Can't say I'm happy or unhappy by this. I always had "hard" thoughts of politicians... Now being one of them, at least in virtual world can change things.

What are the duties of Congressmen? How influences the "party line" my own opinion? Or how should it?

I'm not sure how I earned that level of respect, that eUkians can stand me as one of "governmental face"... I'm pretty sure that there are huge amount of others who earned that respect. Hopefully I will not make anything terrible to get you guys down. So now I can't be funny, I need to be as serious as others in the same position? That will be hard to "implement" in to my brain... 😁

Would like to congratulate our new President, new Congress members and to say thank you everyone who voted for UKRP 😁

Now I'll take a cup of coffee and will start the politician career.. 😁)