Acceptance is a beautiful thing

Day 646, 00:26 Published in USA USA by Angelini

Yesterday we were reminded, yet again, of how extremely (and I can't stress that word enough) buggy of a game eRepublik is. Yesterday twenty-five people were "elected" into congress from the state of Maine. For the sake of those that don't understand the buggy part of this, Maine was a Russian territory on the day of the elections. No one should have been elected from the state of Maine because no one could vote in the state of Maine. I am one of those people that was "elected" with zero votes, I have been emphatically named a senat0r (note the zero in place of an "o"). And I will be the first person to stand up and say that this situation should not be happening. I have even sent a ticket in to the admins about it.

All day long there have been debates upon debates and a lot of hard feelings about the "legitimacy" of the of these congresspeople. There has even been a call for "all unelected congresspeople to resign their seats". I ask however, what does this accomplish? By publicly tearing these people down, by stating over and over and over again that "these people are not legitimate; they shouldn't be here; there are people that should be here but aren't" is only sowing ill will and discord. It puts all of the people that "shouldn't be here" on the defensive, clouds judgments, and makes matters worse for our country.

I have a personal philosophy in real life. It is a philosophy that I bring into this game with me as well: It is simply to roll with the punches. When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade and all that jazz. To quote Fall Out Boy, "The best of us can find happiness in misery". Basically, the plain and simple fact of the matter is, this is the way things are. Unless the admins fix it (who knows, they might actually surprise me), the "0 voters" from Maine are legitimate in the eyes of the game, and they have the same power to vote and propose laws as the congresspeople from Florida. Instead of sulking, find a bright side to this. This means congress has 72 proposals at their disposal this month, instead of 20. Those extra proposals could be crucial to helping us rebuild our country (you may have noticed the battles the eUS has been winning recently). There are more voices and ideas being thrown in the mix, and I know that personally, I like to bounce ideas off of other people before making a decision.

The whole point of this article, congress, and eAmerica, is to urge you all to roll with this punch. Don't stand there and take the black eye. Find the angle that works for you and get to work. Accept that this situation is out of our control and run with it. I promise you, it'll take a load of stress off. We need our minds clear for the coming month.