Acacia's Woes, The Question That no one Answers

Day 1,572, 21:03 Published in Canada Canada by Macubex8
Acacia Mason wrote 60 minutes ago

"Let me ask you all a question. What is the magic bullet to solve our civil war. I see lots of talk but no concrete really...whats the answer?"

This popped in my shout box an hour ago and for some reason I couldn't lay idle. Even though I have not had qualms with the presidents recent decisions. I decided to answer the question no one likes answering. What would you do? How easy it is to watch the performers on the stage and criticize their decisions but to have to take their place and responsibility only to find you yourself can not provide the solution to the problem you chastise others on. Knowing this I had a burst of inspiration to help Acacia with his woes and not be left to halfhearted comments. (Sorry to those who do write productive comments, this isn't aimed at you.)

Most of this will be a copy past of what I wrote in reply to Acacia's shout with a bit of aesthetic fixes (eg. grammar).

"Let me ask you all a question. What is the magic bullet to solve our civil war. I see lots of talk but no concrete really...whats the answer?" -Acacia Mason

The terrible problem with this issue is that it is a problem no one man can fix. It's a community problem. Our society is split in every which way it can be cut. Old players who resent Rolo, old players who have had enough, Old players who want to end this Rolo issue, New players who are ignorant of Rolo, new players who resent the old players, etc. While we'll always be different, there is no common goal, value, moral, identity, binding us together.

So what will it take to fix this, a team effort. Even those who are discontent with the Rolo issue. Think, who are you hurting? Rolo? eCanada? or all the new players who may reshape and improve our country. The improvement of this country lies not with Rolo, whether he is pardoned or not it does not truly matter in the grand scheme of things. What needs to be done is to communicate with new players make them feel involved and equal.

So how is this done? How does one retain new player? I've heard a lot of old players say we can't help them, whether they stay or go, we can't affect that decision. That's half right. Some will stay and build their own path and learn things by themselves, that's how I played. Others look to the community to encourage them to stay even if not on the conscious level. Look at the IL, we have many new players who are not only two-clickers but play active roles in the community.

The key is a friendly and open environment, make them want to stay, make them want to go on IRC. Our timed strikes are an excellent example of that. Players who never log onto IRC come on for our timed strikes. It's friendly, comfortable they feel treated nicely, unlike in #eCan. They want to play and be engaged in the community. Though the issue is starting the initiatives. Who runs them? How do they run them? Will they steal?

Even if you do not agree with the current administration and you think that things are not going the way you want. You have two choices, to change it or to endure. If you want to change it, think, a new system is only going to be as good as the person who set it up. I'd like to draw attention to enduring something. With Rolo, I can endure him being pardoned, does that mean I forgive him, no, but I won't be selfish and harm others over it.
To this extent the ones who should run gov't or private programs are the selfless and mature who seek only help eCanadians regardless of personal beliefs. Now onto how they are run. These programs should be accessible to all, but special interest should be shown to those who come onto IRC, and want to get involved with the community. Programs can be as simple as a spam game in the MU feed, to timed strikes, to games in articles and IRC with prizes.

The key is a friendly, helpful and fun environment. Now the last point, and for eCanada the most important point. Will they steal? It is a risk. Some people may steal but it is important to realize a simple pros vs cons chart that I think has been forgotten. By engaging new players in the community is it worth the risk of someone stealing some money? I say yes. As it is ultimately the new players who will bring new life to a country.

I personally see nothing better in this game then to help new players, talk to old players, learn new things, expand my knowledge and sometimes impart my knowledge with others even with the constant threat of being trolled or flamed. Admittedly I think I'm just a bit to self conscience. I hope I could be a little help to your woes Acacia. Feel free to drop me a PM or ring me up on IRC anytime.

I'm not going to say this is the solution to our ailments but it is a start. I will not be a hypocrite and stand idle after saying all this. I will be actively thinking of ideas throughout the next few days on how to improve the state of affairs.

For those who are interested by article posted earlier today,
An Observer's 2 Cents
Articles in the pipeline
Some IL Updates
Military Units, Growth and Decline.
New Player Retention

Until I get the will to write again,