Abusing the System

Day 2,165, 12:19 Published in Canada Canada by Wes Lewis

Oops I've done went and ruined a multi farm

I just wanted to make people aware and encourage them to take similar measures to ensure the fairness of these upcoming elections and that the RIGHTFUL parties are placing candidates. I could have shouted my heart out over it in the feeds, but instead I decided to create a brief article just for the heck of it. Before beginning I want to say if you believe you've located multi accounts create a ticket immediately, the more reports we make the better the more attention it receives! Onto what happened...

Last night I noticed the newly created Canadian Prosperity Party was well on its way in a single day's time to placing Congressmen for the 25th which warranted checking out their members. A member born just the day before, who happened to be parties Secretary General first peaked by interest, his name was EnochJohnson. After seeing this I took the time to look at each new citizen the party had gained over the last couple days, "shockingly" they were all born in the last week! Eight or so of those "new citizens" ended up being banned today.

While multis undoubtedly exist within any political party, using a surge of them just to claim a Top 5 spot is unethical and undemocratic and should be frowned upon. Which brings me to the "owner" of all of those multis banned in today's sting who just happened to be the new party Councillor, he is currently serving his temporary ban! As of now the party stands at 38 members, with at least four new citizens born just today appearing in the party. You can bet your fanny that I have already submitted another ticket to have these banned as well.

The multis tried their best to fight off the banning hammer

In closing, while I actually support this group of individuals being a top 5 entity I disapprove of this method of doing so. I strongly suggest they expel these offenders instead of encouraging them with in-game titles, a show of good faith from a new party goes a long way. Feel free to express your feelings or opinions about the topic in the comment section, I know how much eCanadians love to share and I love to hear them! Lastly, I took a screenshot of my ticket from last night for you to see how to format one correctly, I included the one from today which I'll attach below the signature. Thanks for reading!

Ticket from last night
Ticket sent today