About the upcoming industrial environment of the "new new world" - The prelude

Day 315, 05:04 Published in Norway Finland by Juse L

The back-in-the-day rather vague vision of future eRepublik v1 is slowly but certainly becoming real. There has been voices of concern over v1 industrial scheme, is it good, equal or even fair, some of us have called it even the total farce. I myself have some great concerns about it, and I will point those issues here. Everything I have in my mind will not fit in one article, so I make many of them.

Facts, what is going to be tomorrows eRepublic:

Grain, oil, diamonds, iron and wood

Construction, manufacturing and raw materials

Grain->Food ; Oil->Travel ; Diamonds->Gifts ; Iron->Weapons ; Wood->Houses,hospitals and secret

Region productivity:
Scaled 0.1, 1 and 2
[a url=http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pzoldhWsr8Ds5D_sH1TVrNA]RP-values of regions are found here[/a]

Only organizations are allowed to own raw materials.