About the Resistance Movement - SA Ministry of Information

Day 842, 07:20 Published in Australia South Africa by eSA Ministry of Information
What is this "Resistance Movement"?

The resistance movement in South Africa is a direct attack on the sovereignty of the People of South Africa for reason of the consolidation of political power to a small political elite. This type of consolidation was the downfall of the 3rd Republic of South Africa and according to scholars at the University of Harvad, the downfall of African democracy.

What is the government doing to help?

The government of South Africa, led by revolutionary patriot Ronell, is currently negotiating a treaty with the countries of Brazil & Argentina to ensure a safe, democratic future for South Africa. In addition, the Freedom Fighting scholarly group Harvad University has been asked to make their permanent home here in South Africa to prevent any illegitimate, totalitarian goverments from seizing power. With the help of Harvad University, South Africa will forever remain free from elitist dictators.

What is the "Resistance" doing to hurt democracy?

The group labeling itself as a resistance movement is creating and using illegal "outlaw" organizations being used to trick citizens and impersonate real South African officials. If you see any of these organizations, you should immediately report them. They are against the rules of Erepublik as they are being used to impersonate someone else.


This blatant cheating isnt isolated either. Thankfully, Erepublik's fantastic admins are always on the job to stomp down all cheating and prevent groups like this from taking power.

We should all give a pat on the back to the admins who have amazingly eradicated cheating from Erepublik. An amazing feat.

So what's next?

As Harvad University continues to recruit new players and fellow Anons to The Game, their forces in South Africa and Australia will continue to quickly rise. If necessary, Australia will be wiped off the map for the safety of all peaceful nations in the southern hemisphere. Their war mongering will not be tolerated by Harvad University. Their attacks on peaceful Brazil and Argentina are taken by Harvad as a threat to global sovereignty.

The Official Government of South Africa

Supreme Commander- RonelI
Vice President- Stephen van Joergborg
Minister of Economic Affairs- Tovarisch Stalin
Minister of Internal Affairs- K1m Possible
Minister of Foreign Affairs- Ben Zavelsky
Minister of Security- Billy Herrington
Governor- RBSA- Walter Beldingford
Governor- eSAHC- Jisses

As proven here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/upda[..]1/20
And proof of Presidency: http://www.erepublik.com/en/country/poli[..]frica

Orders from President Ronell, Supreme Commander

All South Africans are to move to North of Brazil, Brazil to fight the Australian invasion. Here you will find jobs, a hospital, parades with colorful costumes and flamboyant (but heterosexual) dancing