About iron production, manifactury costs and workers salary

Day 356, 07:07 Published in Norway Italy by Wolf89

Hello norway people!

Recently admins have drastically reduced the production of raw materials. In the actual situation the salaries published in the human resources are too high compared with the prices on the marketplace: an medium company produces around 90-120 pieces of iron per day, paying around 50 nok to their 10 employees... so the production cost of 1 q1 iron is 0,42-0,56. Now it is not in this way: so all the company are losing lot of money every day, leading to a huge deflation of the prizes in the hope to afford to pay the salaries of their worker.

what i propose is the following:
decrease the wages to the rate 1 skill = 0,5-1 nok, reducing the cost of the work

allowing the raw materials company to survive, keeping providing iron for the weapon industry of all the world