ABOA Exporting Program

Day 452, 15:44 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

Good evening American entrepreneurs,

The formation of ABOA(American Business Owners Association) was intended to serve as an outlet for GM's to unite their opinions and aid in organization. We currently have 15 members and the President thanks you for registering. Any interested company owners are encouraged to join. The benefits of registering are important. By joining the group, your company will be recognized by the administration. Your opinions on taxes and suggestions for improving company performance will carry weight with the President. All active GM's are encouraged to sign up and make themselves heard. The goal of this association is to provide a unified voice in D.C. Also, company owners who participate will be eligible for certain benefits from the administration.(see below)

The President is currently working on implementing an exporting program. The administration feels increasing our exports is crucial to strengthening our economy. Many company owners are already on the path to obtaining exporting licenses. However, by joining ABOA you will be able to organize yourselves so you do not drive each other under by competing in the same countries. Uncle Sam is working on forming a contract between the government and companies interested in a loan for exporting licenses. The loan will require repayment and will serve as a means for your company to expidite its exporting. Please note that this loan will be partial.

Any interested GM's need to register here, and your President looks forward to hearing from you.
After registering visit the ABOA agenda thread, located in the Business Resource center on the eUSA forums. Voice your thoughts there.

Register, join in the discussion.
Thanks for your time.

Joe DaSmoe,
Vice President of eUSA