A whole year of Erepublik through my eyes- plus my eBirthday

Day 681, 11:56 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

10/24/09 or if you live in Europe that date is 24/10/09 ,but whether you know me or not I am going to say that 10/24/09 is my ebirthday. I am writing this now because I am expecting to be constantly busy during that time with a sporting activity.
I want to say that it has been a great full year but instead of going down a list like some others do I want to write about the events that happened throughout my life from beginning to last.
( I have to warn you I am sick so grammar may not be at its best)

I was eborn in Tennessee but I don’t know who my eparents are but I can say that I was raised by a rare species of wolves (this is a joke or maybe just an urban legend). After gaining the strength to chop down logs by one hit I was quickly hired by Blue Beaver Wood company. I needed help to get civilized so I talked to my manager to teach me how to communicate and live throughout the whole civilization – he taught me everything about beta but when I was eborn everyone was getting used to the change of civilization in the world (from beta to v1). I found wiki and was surprised to learn that my first manager was Korbin King ,the very first president.

After getting so good at land working I moved on to greater profit by working for Cowboy Wood. I was talking to people like Thisgenmedia ( The president at the time I met him),Emerick, and Benn Dover to kinda mentor me. I later started talking to Leroy Combs who became a great deal of my political life. Leroy Combs was my manager and I even moved to vote for him in Oklahoma.
By now I had gotten a reward for being a great worker- the hard worker badge. I was given 5 gold and I had no idea what to do with it. I used part of it to buy my newspaper.
The newspaper was first called Commen Sense ( remember I was raised by wolves so grammar and spelling wasn’t my best at the time) . I talked about politics and my first article was about Veterans Day and my first comment was by Vladislaus Dragula.

Vlad (short for Vladislaus Dragula) became one of my good friends we wrote many articles together but then I started writing “The Word” which got 30 votes in its first day ( which was a lot back then infact the highest the top articles got was around 50 votes) He moved on to write his articles which did incredibly well but he disappeared and I never saw him again. I also met Navy II at the time which promoted my newspaper and gave me lots of my viewers – him and I where racking the dollar bills up.

I moved on to politics , joined the Nationalist Party and while I had people paying for advertisement on my newspaper I was getting a lot of money each day – more than I would by using my skill 8 land job. I ran for congress where as I met my first and biggest competitor and the only person I still talk to today- Jewitt. We both agree that our policies are a lot alike and we both debated each other and taught each other a lot. While Jewitt won his first congressional I began making my first company- DIB Wood, and also the first war had began “ Operation French Toast”.

Despite losing Jewitt had taught me that if you can be the better man in an argument –you would win and because he had taught me that I would be able to succeed in many arguments both in erepublik and in real life.

DIB Wood flourished because at the time everyone was clamouring over getting a new house, and I was still making money from “The Word”

I ran for congress again under the AAP party ,which I was invited into by Uncle Sam, in January of 2009 but to only loose yet again. Then it was believed that ThisGenMedia had stolen the treasury- an outrage.

I was invited into Singapore by Navy II and William Shafner ( which they would both become
nationally infamous for stealing treasury) where there was many opportunities and I even seeked to run for congress, but then I was told by DesertFalcon that Jewitt had ran for Presidency so I went back to Tennessee where I ran against Hurley ,and he had put up a good debate.

I won the congressional election. Unfortunately I immediately became inactive due to activities in my real life. I did show my face time to time and even started a small revolution against the new (PANEC) 20% taxes.

I decided to run again but this time Jewitt had came back to go against me. He talked about many things and I believed that he was going to beat me ,but then I stumbled upon an interesting website: It was a website which had Jewitt telling his employees that they could sign up to avoid taxes. I showed this to someone I had met that we both believe that we are eRelated, Alphamega3’s.
Alphamega3’s is a person who I had talked to regularly and we both learned to better understand the game. He wrote an article saying how Jewitt was being a hypocrite for supporting 20% taxes to only avoid them, this had probably won me the election.

After that my activity wore down- I only really talked to Alphamega3’s and I also stopped writing my newspaper. I also had moved to Spain since my land working skill would earn me lots of gold there and probably still would.

After a few months I came back to USA to help fight against Mexico, then later- the rest of the world (except for our allies).

I made a weapon company to support our country even I was inactive. I decided that my company was doing enough and then I decided to move to Greece to support my country by producing iron for it but my country had been almost completely occupied at the time which was an outrage to me.
I am now back in America with the same gun company- thoughout my elife I had unraveled hypocrisies/scandals, I was friends with the greatest thieves in Erepublik , I had learned from many presidencies, I had employed many people, got a few of my friends to play, wrote the biggest newspaper in the beginning of V1, I had also helped Singapore AND Estonia get started by writing a series of articles of guidelines for them and giving loans and selling companies to them, beat one of the best politicians in his own game (even though we are past that and now friends) , I recruited hundreds of people into the Conservative Party ( and before that I helped The Nationalist Party) , I talked about building more defense systems before Russia and Indonesia invaded which is ironic because I told congress that we should get prepared which we never did but luckily we have survived, I do about 200+ damage each battle, I helped many new people get started in making their businesses, but now

Now I have become nobody – mysteriously I have been erased from history and many peoples mind (but it doesn't bother me much because I have a life as well 😛)-, plus I don’t have a wiki and I don’t have the time. I know I am not the biggest figure but I did do a great deal of work here in Erepublik ,and I remember Nathan Woods, Korbin King, Benn Dover , Justinious McWalisburg III, and many more . I am not asking for your sympathy, I am just writing about my elife since it had been a whole year and a very noteworthy year.

Now this article isn't very good because I am currently sick and not feeling well.