A White House Secret + Other Party Rambing

Day 1,057, 15:21 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

There has been a secret in the White House. A very big secret surrounding the President, Collin Lantrip. I got a tip that he was up to his shenanigans, and this was what I found.

Collin, you never told me you had twins! You were in a boy band?

To be totally honest and upfront with you, I never though this day would cone. This month alone has been the most difficult in my eLife by a mile. I was put to the test everyday, and I had to stand up for myself in this competitive New World. I am happy to announce that my opponent, Darrel Anderson 2, and I have finally concluded with our negotiations and landed up on even terms.

Looking back, it has been a very long few weeks between him and I. I agree; I posted some articles promoting negative campaigning towards him. I am not proud of what I did, but what has happen has happened. It has been a lesson learned. Continuing on, it has been decided that I would run for the American Defense and Trade Party Party President with Ibnroshed2 as my Vice Party President. Darrel Anderson 2 and Richard Nixon II would have control of the Political Department and Department of Communications respectively.

As a result, there will not be an ADTP PP Primary as originally planned. Instead, we will be holding the regular in-game vote by the sublime citizens of the United States. When it comes to voting, I am the one and only officially recognized candidate for Party President by the ADTP. A Political Takeover threat has not yet arisen, and it probably won't happen. On the off chance it does, Rod Damon is the man!

The American Defense and Trade Party is currently just a dead shell of a Top 5 Party in the United States. Most of what was left of the active community has ventured onto other great projects. What it seems like now is a very steep up-mountain climb to the summit. But alas, Dio has showed me some light at the end of the long tunnel.

As you can see, we only have a few surviving members, but there is no doubt in my mind that they are active. We have a few former Republican Party members, American Military Party members, and some other military personnel. My fellow Americans, for this party to succeed, we got to do as much as we can in this one month.

With that being said, I have a few worthy ideas I would like to accomplish during my term in office. My end goal is simple; I want to see the ADTP stable enough to run self-efficiently. This is the dream, but that isn't possible to accomplish without much obstructions on the way. But personally, I would rather tackle them straight on than avoiding them because they make us strong at the end.

The motto of this party should be "The Few, The Strong", but having that general lack of active members is quite asinine. Right now, we are doing alright activity wise, but that might not be the most beneficial for the party in the near future. Generally speaking, a high member count is a great indicator of how healthy that party is because the members are the party.

In the few recently days, some of our party has been doing the dirt and grime work by mass-mailing messages to the newer citizens of the United States. It has either been a hit or miss for us, but we did see a nice rise in member count this week before it went down again. There are only a couple people in the Recruitment and Retention Department, which handles mass-mailing, but that is not enough. I am asking that all active members mass-mail at least twice a week.

The media module is one of the greatest things in eRepublik, yet I feel that it has not been used well by this party. It is time to take advantage of the media. For mostly public transparency and relaying public information about the party to the public, I will write on my newspaper. I will be constructing a media team to write articles on a party newspapers, so we can get some recruitment going on.

For this party to actually make a mark on our fine country, there is not better way to do so than to voice our opinions in Congress. Unfortunately, our party has not had an admiral record for Congressional turnout by any means. Actually, there has even been some scares in the last few months about having a goose egg in Congress. We cannot let this happen anymore.

Unlike some of the larger Top 5 Parties who consistently pull nice numbers in Congress, we do not have nearly as many mobile voters to help out our candidates. This is just due to the lack of members we have. Sure, this puts at a direct disadvantage. As a result, for the most part, if you want to get into Congress, you will need to win the hearts of Americans by writing a platform. When it gets closer to poll times, I will construct a committee devote to going over platforms.

Continuing on, Darrel Anderson 2 did some pretty great work this month by not hesitating to create the Congressional Candidate and Blocker documents, so that we would have enough time to organize our applicants into the right states. I will be talking to Darrel Anderson 2 later this week about the state of this party legislatively. We will work from there.

The ADTP is coming back. With my term in office, we are going in full speed. You better watch out, since the ADTP is coming to town!

~You friendly neighborhood hobbit!~