A well deserved break

Day 575, 19:57 Published in Australia Australia by TheBlackAdder

As another term comes to an end I am looking forward to a break.
My role as Inspector General has been passed on to the very deserving Alex Australis who I am sure will do a great job and now I am free to do as I like. I wish Alex the best of luck as Inspector General, I am sure he will do a great job, and hopefully future cases are about information rather than cabinet/senatorial conduct, making it an enjoyable and informative job, and its initial use in my opinion.

As the 25th approaches I wish the other candidates luck since I will not be running myself, a two week holiday takes up far too much of the term for it to be viable. However I will be back next month and I have decided I would like to be deputy treasurer so that I can have more of an input to help get the changes i would like to see done. A big wish I know, but I feel I have more than enough in game experience and am more than capable for the job (overqualified in fact 😛) Having a more base level input will help me plan ideas and data which are not easy to get to as a senator. We get the end level information, but to really make the changes the input has to start at the beginning. This is not to say that senators do not have enough power or do not get enough information, the most recent bill I proposed will have a big effect in my opinion and goes a long way to setting us up financially and makes us more transparant as well as ministers much more accountable.

I am very interested to see what will happen in the time I am gone, who we be pm, what party will have the majority and what our international relationships will be like are the big questions. A lot can change in a month and hopefully it will all be for the better. I realise now in writting this that I will miss two terms at a chance of being a senator, since I arrive back on the 28th, and am somewhat dissapointed about that, hopefully my deputy treasurer possition will keep me in the loop 😛

I wish everyone good luck in the future and appologise for this rather long and pointless article. If you are a new player wishing to get involved this http://www.auserepublik.com/ is the best place to do so. I encourage everyone to get involved and engaged, the vast majority of this game and by far the best parts are on those forums and the irc, so become part of your society, not just a member of it! Vote for promising newcomers to the political scene and not just old farmiliar names! Vote for someone you like, whos ideas make you want to vote for them, not because they are in the same party! Vote for someone who upholds the highest standards, who writes inteligent usefull articles, who is helpful and constructive! Vote how you want, not how you think you should!

I had best stop rambleing anyway, have fun everyone

on hiatus 4th to 28th