A Weasle Is running for North Dakota.

Day 516, 19:01 Published in USA Greece by Weasle

So, right about now, i'd go into some long tirade about how you should vote for me, or how I'm awesome, and my other opponent is lame. However, that's boring and makes for a bad read. If you want to know how I think, or what descions I'd make in progress there are plenty of articles I have written or posts on the forums I have made. I believe in your intelligence, America, so i'm not going to insult it. Your all capable individuals.

However, I did want to make one thing clear, and that's the point of this whole article. As a congressman, I would not fail you, I would record every vote I made, with a reasoning as to why I made it, posting the collection every week. You can see every move I made and why I did it, because even if I am Weasle, there's no reason to keep it all a secret. I'll never lie to you, as long as you never lie to me. Well, that's about it, Thanks for your time!
