A Wage Too Far

Day 379, 02:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Professor Evil

There is an ongoing debate in the political sector over the state of minimum wage. I have seen several calls for it to be raised and likewise dropped. It is the view of the Libertarian Voice that the best course of action is to halve it to 0.5 GBP.

This will most likely attract many critics, who say the wellness detriment, as well as the financial situations, for new players makes it too much of a risk. In response, I ask them to consider this. The eUK has a fully functioning National Health Service, which can give wellness to players who can't earn food. Some will argue that this will overwhelm the NHS, but from my experience, many new players join the scheme whether they have enough money to buy food or not.

As for the argument about poverty, I ask the reader to consider who stays at minimum wage for any length of time? The vast majority of employers are responsible enough to raise their staff wages regularly, and if not, the new employee gains skill as they work, allowing them a better job when they build up the right attributes.

In fact, apart from a few extreme examples, the only people who will be negatively affected by this drop in the long run are the part-time inactive, the players who come on only so often. They won't work long and hard enough to advance, and will be stuck earning half a GBP. As far as these players go, does anyone need them? Do their employers need them? In the Voice's view, society certainly does not.

But with possible consequences covered, perhaps it's best to look at the benefits. As many will tell you, the eUK economy is somewhat shaky. There are gaps in the market in terms of stock and prices. It's not a full blown recession, but it's a problem that should be solved. Reducing the minimum wage to 0.5 will provide a massive stimulation to the economy, especially with new business owners.

New companies often face an awkward paradox in that they have limited capital, but need both stock, means of production and workers to put them together. Each component is vital, but if the company owner wants a workforce that's in any way practical, they need to devote a large chunk of capital to paying even their low wages if they stand at a full GBP. This puts many prospective market traders off, as investing further capital will make it harder to hit a profit. If the wage of their workers is 0.5, it will be a huge relief, allowing them to invest more in grain, oil, or whatever their company runs on. This pumps directly into the supply and demand ratio of the market, making it easier for the same new players to buy lower quality food and sustain their wellness. While solving a lot of problems, this is only a side effect to the massive economic boon the country will experience.

The Libertarian Voice believes it's high time for the minimum wage to be lowered. Do you agree?