A Vote for Change - Connell Part1

Day 1,046, 11:11 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Connell

Hi everyone,

The time for change has come, we badly need it.

Some people would have you think that this country is running as well as it possibly could be, but this is “not” the case and there is a lot to be done!

During this first article I’m going to talk about good things, but also failings within the IDF and what will be accomplished if you choose to vote for my administration.

This month there have been some good steps taken on behalf of the IDF, communication has improved greatly. The messages I got at the start of the term were very informative and helpful, this has slipped a little bit since the term has gone on, but they were going in the right direction with that.

There has however been a catastrophic failure this month regarding the management of supplies for you, the citizen and soldier. This is the government funded army, funded by the taxpayer, there to supply you with the means to defend the country. This has just not happened this term and that is a catastrophic failure. Changes need to be made and changes will be made.

A system where any Irish citizen can go onto the IDF channel ask for supplies and get them within a reasonable time whether that’s in v1, v2 or v2.5 war module the system would have been the same. It’s not hard to implement, it’s been done in the past, it’s been successful in the past and it should have been there for us this term when we needed it defending our country.

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On the day of the battle for Northern Ireland, I went into the Irish state food company and there was less than 150 food in the company and 2 workers. 150 food isn’t even enough for 5 people to tank and maximise their force on the battlefield. Food is just as important as weapons now, it has been just as important as weapons for quite some time and there should have been as much food in there as possible! But of course very little of the food was ever supplied anyway... That should have been different and that needs to be changed and it will be.

So we had no weapons to fight with and we had no food to heal. Even if we wanted to buy food or a decent weapon from the Irish market we couldn’t have, because nearly all the health food on the Irish market was gone a few hours into the battle and the weapons were going for too high prices.
Apparently now if we want to fight for our country we have to buy our weapons and food from a different country. That should never have been the case.

I hear people saying, “Well we would have lost Northern Ireland anyway”. That’s no excuse, that is irrelevant. Our soldiers have the right to be able to defend our country as well as they possibly can, what matters is that we have a functioning army that the IDF is the strongest it can possibly be.

Remember guys, it’s you who is funding the IDF. You can make decision on how it’s run this term, lets make a positive change for Ireland, lets get this done!

Vote for Change, Vote for Connell on the 5th