A Vice-President Announced

Day 921, 01:26 Published in USA USA by Angelini

In the second of my Presidential campaign articles, I would like to introduce you all to the man I have chosen to be my Vice-President.

He has been a citizen of the eUS since his birth last summer. During his time he has served multiple terms in congress, served as the Chairman of the International/External Committee, as the PAC Director for the USWP, Deputy Chief of Staff under Presidents Jewitt and Josh Frost, and Chief of Staff under Jewitt.

Today I present to you...

Devan Kronos

I have known and worked with Devan since last fall. He has an understanding of procedure that I sometimes lack and has an open-mindedness that allows him to understand and work with other people well. I trust Devan implicitly, and I know he will work as hard as I will to ensure this country moves forward toward success.

Coming Soon

Be on the look out in the coming days for my platform. I look forward to talking to you all again soon