A Very Interesting Election

Day 798, 04:42 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

All I can say about the results of this election is " Wow ". We now have 4 parties all with the same percentage in the Dail. The Irish Union Party, Saoirse , Irish Social Democrats and the Irish Freedom Party all have 22 % of the votes. Independent Voices bringing up the rear has 10 % of the Dail.

This of course throws into light the necessity for bi-partisan effort in the Dail. Where as before it wasnt necessary now nothing can get passed without it. All I can say is I hope we dont have 4 different candidates for president 🙂

In other news once I have been granted access to the private Dail I will begin some of my proposals that I have been mulling over. In the spirit of bi-partisanship I have talked with the leaders of all the parties in the Dail about my proposals.

Since my manifesto promised war and I earned more votes then any other congressional candidate 😉 I will take that as my mandate and go about this to the best of my ability. Another glaring hole I noticed was how the Irish military doesnt have a Q5 weapons company ! I checked the public Dail and there was a discussion but no one ever started the vote ! So Im going to get on these things right away and rectify the situation.

Thanks for letting back in the game Ireland