A True Blue Company

Day 626, 07:09 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag

Hi guys 😃 , its been a while since I (cheeseball) have written an article, but I guess that just means I’m due 😛

True Blue Owners; CheeseBall, Corny-ratbag, Tim09 (alphabetical order- hehehe 😛)


CheeseBall Other than being a comical genious that we all love……
- He has a unique mind and looks at situations in ways that others may not be able to or may not have thought of.
- He stands up for what he believes in, especially if everyone else disagrees at the time because it’s much more fun than making them all see sense when they see it already 😛.
- He is adept in debate, and lightening the mood with poor jokes that he thinks are funny are somewhat of a specialty.
- He is also a great diplomat in solving market crisis problems, and a decent manager though admittedly not as good as Corny.
- He appreciates pizza and slush puppies too – the topical focus of a business meeting between me and Corny 😛

Corny-ratbag – Well he may not be as funny as me-CheeseBall, but he is an awesome GM.
- He is great at seeing the details of the situation and is a very dependable boss and person.
- He is the best manager out of the three TB owners, so lol if your stuck with me 😛
- He is a great IT dude, and made things so much easier for the world with GM Records.
- Has been MoI a great number of times, proving and improving his economic prowess
- He has great organisational skill and real leadership qualities.
- He is also the most humble of the TB owners, unless of course he is chatting to me 😛
- He appreciates pizza and slush puppies, something everyman should strive for

Tim09 – Tim is probably the most serious out of the three owners.
- He is great in contrast to Corny at looking at the long term result and is highly valuable in his opinions with wisdom suffocating his words 😛
- Tim is the most politically minded person, a great diplomat especially on the international scene.
- He is also a great company manager though not having as much time anymore with RL taking a lot of his time.
- He is always ready to give a helping hand and a very loyal person
- He also was heavily involved in merchanting at one point garnering another skill for True Blue
- Tim is also a leader in personality, so that leaves poor old CheeseBall to be dragged along by Corny and Tim09 😛

A brief-ish history

True Blue has had a long history forged in Australia as many of you know though some may not as the times have gone by so fast. Today I am going to speak to you not only about our history, yours and mine, but also about current actions our team has taken.

In its relevance to Australia True Blue started off as 3 RL citizens of Australia who had all had lived in eUK for a long time- figuratively speaking 😛 . Their names were Corny-ratbag, CheeseBall, and Tim09, all who garnered the respect of the e-UK whether in the economic, political, or militant areas, or all of the above like me 😛. Now these three people got themselves involved in the Australian underground movement all wanting to see Australia free itself from the terrible oppressors, (dw Indo we love you long time 😛).

Now True Blue had been saving its money, ready for V1. V1 meant two things to True Blue, resistance wars – Australia come on home 😃, raw materials – admins we hate you all (just kidding, don’t hurt me 😛). We purchased diamond and grain companies used to export from Indonesia to UK and also to supply Australia once she was back in Aussie hands. We also purchased a food company that we named True Blue Tucker and upgraded it to Q5.

Now after some failures we started having some success, the RW while a failure in some ways was actually the biggest turning point for e-Australia, yes the True Blue members again were in the thick of it all, from negotiating in talks with Indo’s to talks with ATLANTIS, to fighting in The Resistance War, to going back to negotiations.

Indonesia liked the courage Australia had shown in battle and were eager to go back to the diplomatic tables, and Australia of course was too. This was the first really successful talk that had occurred. Finally we were getting regions back.

Once we had a few regions back all bets were on, True Blue agreed to provide decent wages and decently priced products for the Australian community during Operation Esky, and donated over 100g worth of goods.

As Australia expanded so did True Blue, going into more than just Australia and UK, though we continued our expansion in Australia. Eventually reaching a net worth of about 3000g +, (yeah we spend lots, or I do anyway 😛, shhh don’t tell Corny 😛)

True Blue has over the past gifted, housed, fed, and even armed its workers for their loyalty. True Blue always offers decent wages on the markets and great wages to those who stick around. We do have morals and try to do the best we can for not only our workers but also our customers by selling at fair rates whether in a competitive market or not. We have donated for good causes in the past and again we do so today.

True Blue will be giving 20g and 100 Q4 food to AusEaid, and wish the charity organisation the best of luck in its worthy cause. Not only this but we would like to thank AusEaid for the contribution they make to Australia everyday by keeping young Australians interested.

Last of all I would like to thank the workers of True Blue. You have all made doing this much more fun. Some of you have been with us for quite a while, and others of you are only new to us. Remember that we appreciate each and everything you do for us and the Australian community, any questions you might have never fear to ask us whether work related or not.

Thanks a bunch, from the True Blue Team 😃

PS - Read (it all 😛), vote and sub 😃

GM Records online is here!!!! - http://truebluecreations.net/index.php If you're not using it ... I demand you to start using it right now!!! You can thank me later 😃