A Total Change of Pace

Day 649, 11:11 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Jan Khysl

Today's my birthday. Also, today, I have decided to announce my candidature for the presidency of the Czech Republic.

I think everyone hits a prime in this game when they can really delve into it and argue about the little things: what a income tax rate should be, who we should sign a MPP with, and other bureaucratic garbage. Quite frankly, I'm way past my prime and don't care about most of that anymore. Unfortunately, this game is mostly logging in to train, fight, and work with occasional bickering on the side. My goal if elected, is to change that.

I know there is a discussion along the lines of creating a new religion or giving titles or something like that but that really isn't enough to get noticed. I want to enact a series of changes that will makes Dioists look like uptight congressman and the Party look like one of those groups that puts out the constant media articles about how they're mercenaries or the mafia or something else that doesn't truly work in eRepublik.

What I am proposing is the first ever eRepublik robotcracy.

We at the Khysl Corporation have devised a way to move the human brain to a robotic body. Within days after my election every willing Czech will be able to undergo this procedure. Additionally, the proper government of the Czech Republic will be dissolved with the hierarchy of the Khysl Corporation taking over. Not only will be the world's first robotcracy but the world's first corporate state. The Czech Republic will become Czech Incorporate😛 a corporate nation state of robots.

This does not mean I will neglect the economics or politics of the state. In fact, I think they will be pursued with more vigor and unstoppable mechanical will. The best and the brightest will be included in my administration, and probably the rest of you too.

The next time I'll see you, my skin will be steel and my guts will be gears.

Wish me luck in my procedure.