A Thank You and a Promise

Day 517, 11:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by MDU Press Office

Hello fellow members of the MDU, firstly I would like to thank everybody who voted for me in the PP elections. I am also apologising for the time it has taken me to release my first article as PP, the reason for this is that I have been very busy coordinating the reform this party desperately needs in this hard time for us.

I will first say what I have done in my time as Party President so far. My first actions were on reform, I have set up polls on the party forums to get the parties opinion on the direction of my reform, if you are reading this and are not on the forums please join at http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/index.php to get your voice heard.
I have also started to fill the party cabinet to help me in this time, the new Vice-Party President is experienced member and last months CP candidate Tommy Tommasino, who will help me with executive decisions and the general running of the party. Azra’eil has been appointed party chairman and will update the party’s constitution and wiki a job I know he will excel in. dobis1 has been appointed the director of reform a very important position in which he will help me move the MDU forward.
That is a summary of my first actions as PP of this great party, I know we are going through hard times but we will pull through them all the stronger for it, I will not rest till we are back in a strong position and ready to push forward further more.

Yours, Sincerely
Robalbinio, MDU Party President