A Thank You.

Day 483, 19:55 Published in USA Greece by Weasle

This first part is directed to the conservative party. So if you don't care or don't belong in it, or both, you can just skip ahead. I promise,it'll be quick.

I want to express my gratitute to my part for making me the first official candidate... for the whole party. This is not just an honor for me, but for the whole state of California, and i thank your support.

Now here's the part where the rest of you can drop back in.

I want to thank you, the eAmerican people, for letting me have the oppurtunity to express my opinions and hopefully represent you.

Look at who i'm up against:

People like Pat7, swiftdark, and firelynx. Americans such as Dodgercatcher and Heinrich Johann, both in my own party.

And patriots like 09mateuz, gwiz1993,Tigryss, Miggl, Menix994 . Oh, and I almost forgot(but not really) AidenAstrup.

These are all either confirmed or unconfirmed adversaries, and they are all worthy. Not because of what they have done, but because they believe in a better tomorrow. Like I do.

But unlike my oponnents, I have fresh new ideas, ideas that I believe could change the world, with your help. This may sound a little grandoise but I believe I can make eAmerica something to be feared and not laughed at. This country needs change, and it needs someone to deliever this change. So, again, I thank you for giving me the opportunity, to prove my worth, no matter the result.

-Humbly yours...
Weasle, Cadidate for the Congress of California.

These are all formidiable and possible rivals, with Pat7, almost definatly AidenAstrup