A tearful goodbye to an ally

Day 625, 16:28 Published in Israel USA by Aeroner

I signed on to find out the worst news possible. An ally had been destroyed. An ally we helped defend in it's hour of need. Yes, it is true. Canada has fallen. Even worse because it is just a few mere days after we signed a Mutual Protection Pact.It makes a person wonder whether it would have made a difference if we had signed it beforehand. But now is now and that past is the past. Let's let Canada know that Israel will be behind them. So that's why I'm asking our leaders, and our newly elected president BuzzyTheCat(Congrats by the way) and even regular citizens to help supply moving tickets to Israel or other peaceful countries.

Second, Texas has also fallen. Since America failed to get rid of portrugal in the beginning, PEACE has made huge progress on the the east coast. If things keep going the way they are going, PEACE will be at FLorida and New Jersey's walls in no time.

So America, I ask you again. Fight PEACE whenever you can. Because if they are exhausted, they cannot fight.