A talk with the eGermans

Day 462, 19:06 Published in Germany Germany by Tolo

I would talk with you individually but i can not since a lot of you aren't on the IRC or on the forums. When you elect me, we will put incentives for the people to join the forums and be active. Then you can get to talk to me 🙂.

I would do whatever you like, if somebody sent me a message for what they want. Nobody sends me messages or writes in the comments of my articles. I still try to think of what's best for the eGermans because as it seems that the eGermans don't care about themselves so much to ask for something. So what I'm trying to say is WAKE UP eGERMANY, We can't do this without you.

I am pretty sure after the people are elected in somebody who promised higher wages will do what they said. Sadly this happened for the last 3 elections. Nobody offers the minimum wages and it is there for a reason. If you asked whats the reason, i would tell you. But you don't.

If you asked what's happening politically then i would tell you. You don't ask but i Will tell you anyway. The European Social Alliance is picking up momentum. The 5 parties are all trying to prove to you that they are worth your vote, Sweden loves us but won't talk with us (i am being nice here) and frankly we have alliances with UK and other big countries.

The economy needs slight fixing so that the government can handle its payments and maintain eGermany. The moving tickets business bounced back. Free food company lowered the prices of Q5 food drastically. This section needs some work but we are all good in here.

You may be asking yourself. "What the hell is Tolo doing" . I will tell you. I am giving you a wake up call. It's 6 AM now wake up eGermany. You can vote for me if you just woke up but you are not told to. I want to get in on my own merit this time not random articles i write on election day telling people to vote for me or die. This might seem like one of those articles but it's certainly not in my opinion. You should respect some of the work of citizens of eGermany to ease your selection. Like MortenLond and his friends table of activity ( which i got a 5 on btw)

Basically i am saying, don't just pick a guy and vote. Get active yourself. If you don't want to be a poitician then don't but at elast vote for the better person and read their presentations. Nobody in the congress is able to turn your grey coloured look on The New World to a pink hue where children are playing and butterflies are flapping their colourful wings. You are the one who can make the difference. You can decide.

I will end this article now since i sure as hell know that i hate reading walls of text. Vote & Subscribe if you love me. You can also vote for me in Congress. I

Tolo, Schleswig-Holstein, Buergerliches Deustchland.