a Step Towards Immortality

Day 1,022, 13:02 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL

I feel like I'm moving onwards, towards the fields of eternal immortality.

I feel like I'm floating on soft pillows, upwards towards the skies.

I feel the wisdom flowing in me, like a river.

I feel my bones getting colder than cool, moving beyond coolness.

I feel perfect sense in everything I do.

I feel the sight of others in my back.

I feel the scorching flames inside me with which I shall burn my enemies.

I feel a strong power deep inside me, growing every day.

I feel the hate flowing away, leaving only common sense.

I feel like crushing enemies.

I feel like breaking free.

I feel like being eIndian!

I am eIndian!

Jai Hind!