A Special Valentine’s Day Article

Day 1,182, 10:44 Published in USA USA by Fionia

Well, I’m in a peculiarly good mood today, so I thought I’d spread the love a bit.

Hadrian X: Honestly, you couldn’t have picked a better time to show up and become PP. I had hit my lowest, most cynical point yet in this game, and you came along and revitalized the one thing that is my heart and soul in this game, the USWP. You are an incredible person and I hope you stick around a long, long time.

ligtreb: There is only one word for you: awesome. You’ve been one of my most reliable supporters and friends for the entire time I’ve been playing this game. Oh, and beating you in Monopoly was epic. ^-^

Laxsnor: I’ve always considered you something like my e-twin, and like ligtreb, you’ve always been on my side 100%. You’ve gotten incredibly far for only playing the game for a short time, but you’ve deserved everything you’ve gotten.

Athanaric: The guy who can always make me laugh, can always turn out a good article, and is incredibly good to scheme with 😉

The USWP EB: I love you all. The one thing that I enjoy most in this game wouldn’t be possible without you, and all of you are incredibly friendly, hard-working people.

Blank Keating: This one goes without saying, pretty much. ^-^

SEAL Team 6: So much RAWR (and good music, too!).

I could go on and on and list everybody that means something to me (that would be so much tl;dr), but I’ll stick with pointing out these guys for now.

Spread the love,