A Special Thank-You

Day 1,457, 06:14 Published in Canada Canada by Venoms III

Fellow eCanadian’s,
Today I come before to speak proudly on behalf of The CanVision Party of eCanada. Today I would like to address the nation about its recent help with the ATO effort it performed yesterday to help keep the party pumping. Now we’ll never know whether outside help was used but it was the thought that efforts would be made if we were to fall behind.
So with that,

It brings me with great satisfaction that the CVP is in the final stages of compiling the ideas that have been generated in former sessions and putting it into a charter. When the charter has been completed and revised and translated into French we will be more than happy to present it to the party, but for now stay tuned o7

CanVision Trust is a finical organization ran by CVP members to help assist eCanadian citizens with financial problems. Whether it could be buying that one last company or getting a handful more of tanks whatever your problem may be CVT will be able to help.

And that brings me to my next point, with already a few loans taken out the CVT is nearing the bottom of its cookie jar and will not only need more funds to kick start its new loan system but also to help start up a Charity program that will soon be underway. So the CVP will be hosting a 50/50 draw or some other contest in the upcoming days in hope of gaining enough funds to be able kick start some new programs not only for CVP members but, all of eCanada.

And with that brings the end to this CVP announcement. Once again on behalf of the CVP we are thankful for the help that was given to assist the ato during the elections.

Lastly Consider joining the CanVision Party today with programs from Financial to Military we have almost everything you need and more in a Party.

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