A simple explanation for Admin's economic changes

Day 1,024, 14:44 Published in USA USA by johnpauljones

Admin has announced that they have altered the productivity formula for citizens. I won't get into to much detail, but suffice it to say, newer less skilled workers produce more than they did supposedly making them more valuable than before and older higher skilled workers produce less.

To the average individual this makes no sense. Higher skill should equal higher productivity, and higher productivity should equal higher pay. Instead Admin in their infinite wisdom has decided that oldfags make too much shit.

But why?

Here's why. Less productivity means less wages, and less wages mean less money to spend. Now, here's where Admin has lost their fucking minds. All of us will say, "Fuck it, I will spend less game money." Instead Admin thinks we will say, "ZOMG I'm out of funds! brb getting credit card to buy gold."

That's right. with less money being made by older more established players, Admin thinks we will buy gold to compensate.

Well played wigs, well played. I bet you are high fiving yourselvs and lol'ing all over the office today. Meanwhile, the rest of us are saying:

I'll tell you what it is: Shit game is Shit. Always has been, and always will be