A silly idea? Maybe.

Day 841, 23:15 Published in USA USA by Gnaeus Progenitor
http://img651.imageshack.us/i/survivorlogo.jpg/">http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/8812/survivorlogo.jpg" border="0" />

Survivor: Erepublik - 10 citizens, trapped in the wastes of Singapore with no food, no guns, and no money - how will they survive?


- There will be 5 episodes [Monday through Friday, at a specific time].

- At the beginning of the series they must donate all food, guns, and cash to an org [any one of their choosing, the point is so that their citizen account is broke].

- Citizens move to Singapore and attempt to live life as [essentially] n00bs.

- They must report everyday in a channel made in the IRC [this is where people will watch the show]. People can come and watch everyday for a week at a specific time where drama and lulz shall unfold.

- Every episode citizens are voted off by fellow participants in the IRC; the number voted off varies.

- There will be a host of the "show"; I recommend that it be someone prominent or just someone who can type english: such as Jewitt, Woxan, Andy Costello, Jude Connors, or myself [or Zoli].

1st Episode:
- Someone is accused of cheating, 2 Citizens are voted off. 1 Citizen is voted off first and then a second [at the end of the show, of course].

2nd Episode:
- Someone is seen eMaking Out with someone else. 2 Citizens are voted off.

3rd Episode:
- Someone complains about the smell in the chat room. 1 citizen is voted off.

4th Episode:
Someone gets stabbed in the back; 1 person is voted off.

5th Episode:
2 hour special season finale. 4 contestants left. They must undergo trials and tribulations. What they have done up until that point is assessed. A winner is selected by popular vote by the eAmerican people. The winner receives 5 gold and a trophy which contains [and exudes] win.

Possible additions/changes:
- There could be "challenges" of some kind.
- The show could be held near congressional elections, so that someone may have the chance to go into congress [which would win them points of some kind, or give them immunity].
- This could take place over 2 weeks.
- This could be broadcasted over BlogTalkRadio

Am I foolish? Is this stupid? Is it brilliant? Will I be sued?

Psshhht... Idk.

http://img192.imageshack.us/i/survivorpreview.jpg/">http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/4858/survivorpreview.jpg" border="0" />

Any additions or ideas? Post in the comments section.