A Short Interview With the President of eFRoSEA

Day 657, 22:12 Published in USA USA by system0101

(eFRoSEA is the peaceful merger of eThailand into eMalaysia)

system0101: Coming into your first term, what do you see as eFRoSEA's biggest concern(s) at the moment?

Badlands17: My biggest concern at this point has much to do with the nasty side effects of our sudden growth, which even without the merger would have been fairly rapid on the eMalaysian end. Just over a month ago, eMalaysia and eThailand both had under 400 citizens; with our recent baby boom, this number has climbed to almost 900. At the moment the integration and acceptance of eachother on the political scene has been slow but steady, but I started to see some unhealthy "party over person" type attitudes this election. So I hope the rivalry between the DAP {Democratic Action Party} and FUP {Federal Unity Party} stays healthy and sticks to the elections despite their growing numbers.

S5: On a similar note, what do you see as your countries' biggest asset(s), literally or figuratively?

B17: I can say a lot about our assets. Our economy is great; our Central Bank has more money in it than ever before. There are even plans for a Q5 hospital company in the works from the same people that mostly financed our first Q5 hospital, which we can probably attribute to much of our success. I probably wouldn't be here without that. We benefitted a lot from the wood and oil bubble caused by the occupation of eCanada and the eUS, which is just now starting to burst as regions are gained back. In foreign affairs, our position in Sol is very valuable and helps strengthen bonds with the outside New World; few have regrets about it at this point. The two communities that make up the union are also very tight, and unity and togetherness can overcome more challenges than most playing this game give it credit for. Not to mention, our merger and rapid growth gives us a lot of potential that will hopefully bear even greater results for us.

S5: I have seen you speak positively of your predecessor's positive changes over his terms as President, and also the fact that he will be serving in your Administration as well. Do you plan on making any policy shifts in the near future? Are there any signature programs you want to put into place?

B17: My presidency will likely be more laid-back than Nagyzee's. Nagyzee had high expectations for his cabinet to get lots of work done, and I think that's a big part of what has led to our meteoric rise these past few months, but at some point you need to sit back, relax, enjoy where you are, and just keep a vigilant eye towards the issues impacting our nation. That said, we are likely going to put in another Q5 hospital in a few weeks, and we are soon going to fully implement the restructuring of our army. I am likely slightly to the right of my predecessor on economic philosophy, but other than that our ideologies are quite similar.

I appreciate the new FRoSEAn President taking the time to answer my few questions. And maybe sometime soon I'll try to corner the ex-Prez and the current Minister of Finance, Nagyzee.