A Shift of Power

Day 780, 16:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Dagda

eDate : Day 780 of The New World

There is a power shift taking place; not just a new regime at home, but also right off our shores in main land Europe.

Europe: The Jigsaw Puzzle it has Become

When viewing the map of the New World, you notice a distorted eEurope. ePoland has power housed through eGermany and is now in the process of taking down eFrance; it is safe to say that the eUK is also in their sights.

eGermany has been pushed to the brink of extinction, for they only hold one lonely region: eSaarland. eSaarland is a very tiny region, you would have to really zoom in to notice it. It is a medium grain region and houses a Q5 hospital and a Q1 defense system. eSaarland is also surrounded on all sides by ePolish regions. But last night the eGermans managed to stand their ground and protect their sole region. eGermany's national goals include one goal to remain in control of three regions; in the three days since the elections, eGermany has lost two of those regions. There is no doubt that eGermany is in trouble.

eFrance has been sandwiched by ePoland and eSpain. They only control two regions: eBurgundy and eCorsica. These two regions do not border each other; in fact, eBurgundy is completely surrounded by hostile nations. eBurgundy is a medium grain region with no hospital or defense system. There is in fact nothing interesting about eCorsica. eFrance's national goals are much more ambitious than eGermany. eFrance expects to hold control over 26 regions. eFrance also appears to be doomed.

Now for the eUK. The eUK has already begun to face EDEN forces in eBritish occupied Belgium, and along the eFrench Coast. The eUK has held its ground so far; however, the true invasions have yet to begin. The eUK does not have any ambitious goals for its military other than maintain in control of its current regions. In the coming days we will see what happens to our neighbors.

The Life Cycle of an Alliance
Recently, with the fall of PEACE GC, we have seen a shift in EDEN's attitude. Now I have not been around long enough to witness the rise PEACE GC and the other alliances eRepublik has been home to but this is what I hypothesize.

When alliances are born, they seem to born solely for the purpose of combating the reining alliance. So at first alliances are almost strictly defensive. After this phase they become more aggressive, taking shots at the other existing alliance(s). It is at this point when the alliance's enemies begin to fall. Eventually the alliance is dubbed the reining alliance. This is where land-grabbing takes place, and the alliance becomes imperialistic. Then another alliance rises, defeating the reining alliance, and the cycle continues.

A Closer Look at ePoland and its Momentum
With the above being said, the question must be aske😛 Will EDEN become imperialistic and start taking aim at non-PHOENIX/former - PEACE GC nations? I think it is very possible. EDEN is sitting on the top of the New World with the fastest rising nation: ePoland.

As nearly everyone is aware, ePoland experienced one of the, if not the largest, baby-boom in the history of the New World. Last month ePoland's population sky rocketed by over 300%. They now stand as the New World's most populated nation with over 51000 citizens, and not only that but they bring in about 1400 citizens daily, that is roughly eIreland's population in one day. They also now control 25 regions, yet they only started with 6. It is no doubt that ePoland has some extreme momentum going for it. Now I ask you: With this momentum, where do they stop? If ePoland effectively conquers the eUK, we would become ePoland's neighbors. Which means we could be invade by ePoland if they pleased, and there is no way we would win with the resources they possess. In my eyes, this EDEN super power is the most threatening nation to the balance of power in the New World.

eIreland's New Regime

Edana Savage took office as eIreland's president just three days ago. She was quick to install a cabinet, and a very young cabinet at that. In my opinion, the fresh blood is a good thing for eIreland, and could possibly lead eIreland into a new era.

Some of the plans that Miss Savage has for eIreland includes a training exercise in Northern Ireland. This is to test out the effectiveness of the "master plan" that was applied under AppleMan last month. I have a feeling the eIreland is not far from participating in "real war". So all of you have not enlisted in the IDF yet, do so now. War may be just around the corner.
Link to the IDF

I know its kind of long; I tried to make the wall of text a little less intimidating with some pictures. Vote, subscribe, and comment if you wish. Thanks for reading!