A Scientific Article On Pampuanca

Day 2,355, 10:01 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by JohnEveryman

Yes... It's been a long journey after my last article... Now i'm here to explain some shit here... I must admit that we have the best MinOfYouth Fingay... He takes his job hardly and seriosly and he did this shit very very well... Also i have to congratulate my fellow Kurdish vigilantes (Actually they are half-Armenian 🙁 ) And also i want to conguratulate myself because i have improved my English a little bit... 😃 That's the most important thing for me since the last week... Oh, i forget! Dr.Pacakesel left the game... Karpaz Donkey's are all alone now... They are all sad... We can't explain their sadness in the words because they lost their Donkeyic Justin Bieber! Now i decided to build a special crew to find he out of the Cataulanya Mountains...

Pampuanca is İmproving!

Fingay determine that the singular form of brother is monkimongol... The authorities of Pampuanca still didn't elucidate anything abaut it...

As a loyal servant of Moni Moni i developed a new tongue of Pampuanca in the Mountains, i decide to call it Kurdish Tongue of Pampuanca let me explain the main diferrences:

Monkimona means brother in Official Pampuanca... In the mouantains i mixed this with a Kurdish word xewal and makexewalymoni and the word Sakol i mixed it with Fingayic French and Kurdish then make it, lasaxolla. In Kurdish Tongue of Pampuanca the x pronounce like this kh... The mountains are ferreous places! And the language of the inhabitants of mountains as if assimilated to their habitats. So, shouldn't be surprised that the Kurdish is a harsh language! The connective words like, but, because, etc... transformed to mîn emphasis at the î. The word so also transfered to môn,

Môn, moni nomxeji mîn nôm'i sok sok mong...
So, i am finishing this because it is too long