A Sad Truth

Day 461, 23:55 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ivan Hat

Ladies and Gentlemen as I have stated before in a previous address I have some sad news for our people of the Czech Republic.

Although after much struggle we have become truly United in our Slavic nation and politically speaking we have never been closer. I should know since I have been here since early last year! The sad truth is that beyond politically we are hardly a united nation. How can I say this about the country I love? I have been such a supporter of most of our previous leaders and the direction we've been heading. I should know because I was an original writer of our Constitution's first draft alongside Vaclav. I should know because I helped jump start this nation after President Yugi's reign. I should know because I helped begin the process of rebuilding our nation as Mayor of Prague, Congressmen, and President of The Czech Republic.

But why am I saying we aren't unified? Why can I say that as a leader of the “United” Slavs, THE party behind the nation's top leaders? I can say this my friends because I have seen it ever since I moved here and it pains me to tears to finally recognize it as a true threat. We are in the bottom of the barrel my friends. Ranked 37th, No, 38th (!) out of 40 or so nations. New nations come and quickly skyrocket to the top such as Croatia, while old nations boom and resurrect themselves, such as Hungary. Why is this happening? Why is it we can't do the same? I will TELL you why. It is because we are not truly united!

We don't properly fund our military or provide them with complete hospitals and self defense systems in the regions we have. So what happens? Our Soldiers leave for glory. Our workers leave chasing the very same thing. We lose productivity and our economic productivity plummets. Prices and wages inflate and we are unable to support new citizens IF anyone ever wanted to come here. Be it new citizens of the world or immigrants.

We do not properly support our businesses. We have limited resources and we give people the shaft if they ask for something we SHOULD be able to supply. We have a highly profitable lumber industry in Northern Bohemia and what do we do with it? We tell our citizens they can go to the forums and buy cheaper houses elsewhere. What happens to our lumber companies? They are forced to scavenge for scraps from the dying Czech Housing industry so they can afford an export license! Once that is done what do we need our Housing companies for? We'll just work for companies that only export out of state.

We do not properly support our people. All of these factors end up hurting ourselves. We have monopolized businesses that manage to make it to something respectable while the others die. We have a huge unemployment because businesses can only hold so many employees and the others can no longer support paying their workers the “average” salary, instilling doubt and resentment towards their own market.

With few people working and few people being paid properly as food prices rise and housing prices remain high we have become a nation of politically united scroungers!! Scouring the Earth for wars to replenish our wellness and hopefully gain enough power to protect our weak nation. Anyone who tells you other wise is either oblivious or doesn't want things to change for the better. I am sorry, people the Czech Republic but this is true!

I am not saying my ways will bring us the social and economic victories that I hope they will. I am saying that SOMETHING DIFFERENT needs to be done around here!