Day 892, 03:56 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by bimba
English version bellow

От както вчера разбрах, че нашият обичан chukcha е на път да напусне този забравен от всякакви Админи - еСвят си мислех доста са случилото се през последните дни. Тъй като не съм добра в предаване на изминали събития, военни ходове и приключили битки, няма да се опитвам да философствам върху въпроса "защо на чукча му писна", а просто посвещавам тази статия на него защото смятам,че напълно го заслужава. Знам, че може би няма да я прочете, но честта да я напиша за него е изцяло моя.

И така, ще постна нещо на което попаднах скоро и не съм вярвала, че ще го посветя на мил за мен човек толкова скоро.

Обичаме те, няма да те забравим и тъй като истинското ми име е Надежда, аз си тая тази надежда, че някой ден ще си отворя профила и ще намеря едно лично съобщение съдържащо думите "Аз се върнах" 🙂

Докато този момент дойде ти обещавам, че всичко постигнато от теб през последната година и половина няма да остане в небитието, ще продължим да работим и пазим спомена за теб жив.
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I was thinking a lot since yesterday when I understood that our beloved chukcha is about to quit this forsaken eWorld and fly away to new and happier places and I decided that even if he would probably not read it, he deserves at least an article in his honor.

So here it is, I am posting something I've found recently by luck and never thought I will dedicate it to somebody so dear to me.......so soon.

We love you, you'll never be forgotten and as my real name means HOPE, I do keep the hope inside of me that one day I'll open my inbox and there will be a simple PM with the words "I am back" 🙂

Until this moment comes I promise you that all you have achieved during this past year and a half won't stay without further development and we will keep the memory of you alive!
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'Today brings the end of our trip
our time as a group is now over, that's it
I love the simple word hello
It always rings an enjoyable bell
But one of the saddest words i know
is the tearful word farewell.
The word farewell often brings tears
And I've never known it to bring happiness
in fact the time you say farewell
could also mean your very last goodbye
Farewell is a feeling
of something that’s gone
Farewell is a memory
that stays for too long
Farewell is everything
that’s been left unspoken
So I guess you weren’t meant to stay,
that’s why I say today you’re my farewell friend,
I wish you farewell,
to new and better things,
No matter how tough it is,
never give it up.
Reach for what you want,
and you'll fly into the sky.
So long, I submit you a farewell,
No matter how hard it may be to let you go.
I'll see you again, or perhaps not,
whether you come to visit or it's in my memories.
I wish you a farewell,
to a new and more thrilling adventure.
”Now I stand here in this small field,
waiting for you to come,
I just can’t face the fact that you’re gone”
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еLife isn’t sparkling with glitter оr moving towards what's better, It's plagued with all sorts of evil;
People went crazy,Incest became easy, Morals disintegrated,Sins tolerated, Even happy days immigrated.

For chukcha
Farewell for good!