A Run for Great Justice

Day 762, 22:27 Published in USA USA by Angelini

Hello and Good Day America. I am pleased to announce my intent to run for the position of Congresswoman of Georgia. I am not going to write a very long article today. I only wish to give a little background on myself and convey what I plan to work towards as a member of Congress.

I will be running in Georgia under the Conservative Party.
It is my great pleasure to announce that I have been endorsed by the United States Workers Party, the Libertarian Party, and the Federalist Party. My heartfelt thanks go out to all of these parties. Thank you!
I have also received the ICCCR endorsement


I have been a citizen of the eUnited States of America since my ebirth. In the 10 months that I have been a citizen, I have served in the military, served the country as a member of Congress, and held various Council positions within the Conservative Party. I am currently the Commanding Officer of the United States Training Corps, which is the entry level branch for any citizen wishing to serve in the US Military. I am also currently the Vice President of the Conservative Party, under Party President Cromstar.

I've been trying to decide what to write as a campaign article, I'm not the most eloquent of speakers/writers. My platform can be broken down into three easy statements:

1)I support our military
2)I support our allies
3)I support citizen retention programs


I am a huge fan of the US Military. I have had the distinct pleasure of being a part of helping the military become the well oiled machine it is today. I am not here to as a member of the military to advocate for more money, however. In my opinion, Congress has been most generous in the latest budget. I only hope that my presence can be seen as a source of knowledge for Congress concerning the needs of the military.


When I first heard that America was voting on joining EDEN, I will admit that I was hesitant. I have since reconsidered my position. One thing experience has taught us is that we cannot hope to succeed in our goals by alone. I stand by our allies, because with them we can accomplish feats such as the Battle for Liaoning (a great video for that can be found here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoUAQDgRjsw)

Citizen Retention & Information Programs

Our population is the second highest in the game (given Poland's recent baby boom). However, our actual active population does not reflect those numbers. Active and informed citizens have a great militarily strategic value. The informed citizen knows what battles are important, and knows when to put extra efforts into critical battles. The military, certain militias, and programs like Guns for Huns are great programs in my opinion and I will work to support programs that are already in place as well as the develop of more such program.

But wait, what about other stuff, like taxes and infrastructure?

I will freely admit that I am a novice when it comes to taxes. All I will promise in this regard is to learn. I will make no decision in haste and I will ask questions when confused. As for infrastructure, I support the fortress state strategy we currently employ.

In closing, I encourage any of you with questions to message me and I would be happy to talk with you.

Thank you all for your time,
General of the United States Training Corps
Conservative Party Vice President