A Rudderless Ship

Day 400, 15:20 Published in USA USA by Maxmillian VonWillebrand

I read an article today called Alarming Trends In America, (here is the link: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/alarming-trends-in-america-712862/1) I advise you to read it. It had some good points and some not-so good point, but still a good short read...

Funny how Napoleon was quoted, maybe the Military Leadership and the current Administration should look him up because they seem to have forgotten not only their base, but also those who put them into power! Again it seems, words are spoken, but no action has been taken! What does it mean to you when your ELECTED Official says one thing and does nothing at all??? I cannot call it Flip-Flopping because that would mean a decision was made and an action was started, which is not so here.

To my knowledge, the plans of the War with France were to take over some Regions equally with our attacking allies, but leave the Paris Region alone. Guess what happened, well apparently those orders were changed or forgotten. As were the welfare of the common soldier!

The eUSA has 3 military branches, the National Guard (weak citizens), Army (moderate strength) and the Marines (tanks and other uber strong citizens). Each branch has its own Rank Hierarchy and Supplies (weapons, gifts, etc), but it seems as the Civilian Leadership has failed its citizens so has the Military Leadership. Why have a Hierarchy for the Military when the only ones that follow it are the Majors and lower? I mean is it me or is the NGs Quartermaster Department a load of cow patties? I understand that the National Guard should not be given everything it needs or wants, but to not even be offered a single Q1 weapon, well is a slap in the face. Especially after the pay has been recently been cut-off!

So my question is where has the money gone? Where is it being spent on? Or I should ask and so should every American, WHO HAS CONTROL OF THE MONEY NOW?!?!?

Now something EVERY LEADER should rea😛

“The day soldiers top bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care.”
--Colin Powell

Thank you for your time, and remember:


Zagarius, Lead Investigator