A rough guide, from a new player

Day 522, 19:31 Published in USA USA by The Elias

This is my attempt at a guide, and as a noob myself, I’d like to get feedback on how much this helps, because it’s just the things I’ve seen in the game, and have had trouble with.

Quality or Q(one, two, three, four, or five, all depicted by stars next to the item) determines how well the item works. For example, food of quality five boosts more than food of quality one through four.

Your citizen’s wellness, which is shown with a percentage, by a little man on the left side in between your country’s flag, and an image of Gold with a 0 next to it (Unless you bought some).

The little version of your flag with a five next to it shows how much of the money you have in the country that you live in. The best way to earn money at this point in the game is to get a job.

You will notice a few tabs at the top of the screen. Including:

Home: Takes you to the screen that you end up on when you login. Which shows shouts (similar to that of a status), and things that are going on in the world, and your nation in particular.

My Places: By hovering over this you see several areas. All of the areas are things that you control:

Your Profile: where you can see how much of each currency you own, and gold you have. You can put your profile picture in, and see you most recent shout.

Company: which shows the job that you’re currently at, you have to find a job in the Market > Job Market tab. Make sure you’re searching in the 0 skill field, since you have no skill!

Army: here you train your strength so that your attacks in battle are more effective, you cannot attack until you’re level five, and have more than forty wellness, but it’s good to train it every single day.

Party: which you cannot join ( or create) one until you’re level 7, displays your government standing.

Newspapers: which put out articles similar to this one, can be filled with information, or a humorous story!

Country Administration: shows you guessed it, your country administration. It shows current purposed bills and ones with the verdict of the votes by congress.

Organizations: These are similar to players, but are run by a citizen’s account. Organizations from my understanding can run businesses with the support of a citizen, or that business in itself.

Market: You’ll be spending a lot of your time here, buying goods, and selling goods. There are several locations in this tab.

Marketplace: Here, there are items that you purchase with the currency used in that market, IE, the American market uses USD or United States Dollar. Each item takes up a single slot in your inventory.

Monetary Market: Here you trade currency for currency, gold for currency, and currency for gold. This is more of a late game area, but not to be ignored.

Job Market: As explained before, you get a job here, and earn money from that job.

Companies for Sale: Here are companies that are run by a citizen or an organization which either the owner doesn’t want or can afford. Companies are expensive to manage, so be wary.

Gold & Extras: Here you can buy things with real money, look into this when you’re ready or willing to use money that you could have earned by playing the game, although I don’t deter from supporting the game by purchasing this.

Info: Information of things in the game

Rankings: Shows what the rank of different things like news papers, players, and
nations, and how they rank in comparison to each other

Social Stats: shows population of your country, and the world. It also shows the regions in your countries control.

Economic Stats: Shows your countries current amount of currency, and taxes.

Political Stats: Shows the countries leader, and the parties in congress.

Military Stats: Shows your active wars, resistance wars and alliances. You can see the current battles by hitting details on a war.

Career Path: It shows the milestones, and if you’ve reached some of them!

Community: Here are places that you can chat with others, and do, well community based things:

Invite Friends: This isn’t available until you’re level four, and if the person you invite reaches level six, you receive five gold! This is roughly about two hundred fifty U.S.D. in comparison.

Elections: These show what people are currently in the candidature, and whom you can vote for when you reach level six.

News: This shows the top rated news articles, written by players or organizations.

Tools: If you’re looking to promote eRepublik, post the things here on forums.

Forum: I you don’t know what a forum is, that’s what this is. Official contracts get made by players so that neither side gets ripped off.

Wiki: This is hosted by MediaWiki, and it holds some information about the game, definitely a go to when you’re confused about something, although some o the material is out-dated or inaccurate.

Blog: This is posted by the owners or workers for eRepublik, and it’s generally a newspaper with articles from the people!

ERepublik Shop: They sell T shirts n’ such here. If you want a T shirt, go for it!

You should follow the

How-To: Day 1

Guide, as it is an excellent way to start the game.

Keep your wellness above level forty until you reach level five so that you can fight in a battle and raise it by using the hospital, hopefully you picked a state with a higher level hospital. Although level two is okay, try to get into one with a three, four or five quality level hospital. That way your wellness will get a ten boost multiplied by the quality of the hospital! Work everyday, and train your strength in the army, so that you do more damage for your country, and so that you might one day be a hero of a battle!